Week End Friday March 20, 2020
Sunday well spent brings a week of content.
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. William Arthur Ward
God guards against the snares of the evil ones, and temptations of the world. St. Patrick
If you are thinking about what you lack, your mind has no room to think about the blessings God gives you back.
You close your eyes when you kiss, when you pray, and when you dream. Because the most beautiful moments in life are better felt than seen.
Overheard: I can’t believe I didn’t make it to the gym today. That’s seven years in a row now.
Eliminate the Provocative
Panic is a choice. Choose peace of mind instead. Fortify yourself with good thoughts and pure motivations. Eliminate the provocative messages from social media and news outlets designed to shock you. May God bless you to find a sensible way to calm.
May the Way
May the Strength of God pilot you. May the Power of God preserve you. May the Wisdom of God instruct you. May the Hand of God protect you. May the Way of God direct you. May the Shield of God defend you. St. Patrick
Living Brilliant
In times like these, it’s easy to feel stressed and fearful. That’s because you hear too much of what you truly don’t understand. Learn more, stress less. God blessed you with the gift of knowledge – use it wisely and live brilliantly.
For Tomorrow
Every second, each minute, all the hours in a day become your future. May God bless you with wisdom and resolve to make worthy decisions for tomorrow.
Everyone Who Loves You
The Lord your God is almighty. May God bless the minds of everyone who thinks of you, the lips of everyone who speaks of you, the eyes of everyone who looks at you. And, God bless the hearts of everyone who loves you.
My Health in God’s Hands
Dear God, Thank you for the trillions of cells in my body responding to Your direction. My health is in Your hands, Your hands heal what ails me. Praise to You who created my physicality and protects me from disease. Amen
May God
May God be with me. May God be before me. May God be in me. May God be over me! St. Patrick
Let Me Know
Send healing and let me be healed. Grace me with good thoughts and let me know the blessing of a positive mind. Favor me with good fortune and let me know the ease of a balanced budget. You are a gracious God. Thank You.
Today Through God
I awake today through God’s strength, to guide me wherever I may be, alone or in community. God’s might to guard me. God’s ear to hear me. God’s eye to look out for me. God’s way to lie before me. God’s hand to hold me. God’s word to reach me. God’s wisdom to inform me. God’s angels to watch over me.
Love Me When
Love me no matter what. Love me when I am frustrated and say things better left unsaid. Love me when I’m disappointed and think dark thoughts I shouldn’t. Love me when I give in to temptation even though I know better. Love me Oh God – no matter what.
{stories, features, video}
Story: Anthony’s Hand
Feature: We’ve Got Mail
Music Video: Riverdance
Feature: Power of Social Media in Amplifying Bad News
Feature: Dolly Parton is an Actual Angel
Video: Puppies in a Bucket
{bible affirmations}
Luke 10:27
I love my neighbor as I love myself.
St. Patrick, Evermore
O Lord, the gift of Your Salvation will always be mine, this day and evermore.
Psalm 103:1
Let all that I am praise the Lord. I will praise God’s holy Name with all my inner being.
2 Corinthians 12:9
God’s grace is all you need. God’s strength is made perfect in weakness.
Matthew 8:26
Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? Then the Lord
arose and rebuked the winds and the sea. And there was a great calm.