Prayables Week April 29, 2017
{prayer requests & praise}
Please pray for my problems. Please Pray for my worries which are killing me every day mentally and physically, the guy who is my life is left me am begging him every day, he is struggling with his family, he should come back and I need a peaceful happy life, I tried to kill myself twice… I need a Life or I need a death… no more strengths to handle all this please pray for me…
– J.V.
3 Short & Sweet
1. Robin. Dennis grandbaby. Richard healed. Peace in my home between my husband and his sons. Joshua and Aaron.
2. Want employment as suffering from financial setbacks need to get employed soon.
3. Lord, please forgive me for what I did. I had a moment of weakness and didn’t think of the consequences.
God Protect Her
May my daughter never again be sexually harassed. Never. God protect her, guard her violently. We forgive the abuser and leave him to You.
– Myra N.
Pain Everyday
For 16 years, I suffer from Adenomyosis or Endometriosis with fibroids, the pain is every day. It’s unbearable, worse than toothache pain. I have Anemia because of heavy monthly flow. I pray that God will heal me because I would like to conceive to have a child. Amen! Thanks for praying.
–Cellina M.
Pray for Tim
Please pray for my son Tim, he will be going to Texas for a 12-week program for school for Peterbuilt. May he be blessed with the funds to help him while going to school (rent, food & etc) and to focus on his school work and to get a job through the process. Also, to help us financially to transport him there and help guide him. Lord your will be done. Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts.
-praying mom
Praise & Glory
For the past few months, I have this feeling God is talking to me to change my life. I have been reading the bible, is listening to faith songs, and praying a lot. I know He is with me every day. I can feel this presence. I cry, my family and my relationship are going down hill and I pray for guidance and to stay strong. God is helping thus far he has chosen me for a reason, to flow his Spirit. I can feel it. The enemy is trying his best, but I am stronger. Every day I give God praise and glory.
– Diane H.