Week Ending Friday August 28, 2020
We are closer to God when we are asking questions than when we think we have the answers.
Abraham Joshua Heschel
It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.
The Big Short
I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day; I’d rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way.
Edgar Guest
Mountaintops are for views and inspiration, but fruit is grown in the valleys.
Billy Graham
There is but one good; that is God. Everything else is good when it looks to Him and bad when it turns from Him.
C.S. Lewis
One Person
You are only one person, and you can’t do everything. But you can do many things, and you can do them well. May you be blessed to use your God-given abilities to do what you can, and to make a difference in this needy world.
First Word
You are the first word of chapter one in the story of endless possibilities, and God has blessed you with a happy ending.
Set Free
Before the truth can set you free, you need to recognize which lie is holding you hostage. May God bless you as you discover your hidden obstacles.
Joy Shared
Joy is always better shared. May God bless you with someone who appreciates your generous sharing and enjoys your delight.
Forming Habits
Anything can be habit-forming, be careful to do only what you can be proud of for years to come. May God bless you with positive actions and healthy habits.
Sun & Moon
Your sun shines, Your moon wanes, Your will is mine. Thank You, heavenly Father, for the wonder of life.
Longing for Peace
Send your angels to me and I will tell them about my unhealed wounds (though they know it), my painful thoughts, (though they hear them), and my soul in crisis (though they feel it). Lord, I long for peace.
I accept the inevitable and deny the preventable. May I walk easily to my destiny and deal daily with my fate in a way that is pleasing to my God.
All For You
I pray not for myself but for You dear God. May I follow Your lead, do all You need, love all I see and help those in need. Amen
State of Joy
Dear God, Though my purse is empty my heart is full of gratitude to You. My hands may be busy, but my soul is at rest feeling Your peace. I hear the angry complaints from people who are unhappy with their lot, yet Your whispers drown out the discord and bring me to a state of joy. Thank You, God, who makes wrong, all right.
{stories, features, videos}
Story: Eydie Sacramento’s Rise to a Higher Calling
Feature + Video: Army of Ducks
Feature: Lesson for Cheaters
Holy Humor: At the Dentist
Feature: Godly Apparition
Music Video: When Life is Good Again, Dolly Parton
Luke 12:48
To whom much is given, much will be required.
Romans 12:2
Don’t be conformed by this world, instead be transformed by a renewal of mind and spirit. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Psalm 150:2
Praise God for acts of power! Praise God for unequaled greatness!
Acts 18:9
I am not afraid to speak out. I will not be silenced.
Exodus 15:26
God is the Lord that heals me.