Week Ending Friday January 1, 2021
Do you love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.
Benjamin Franklin
“Life is effort.” So says the body. “Life is blessing.” So says the soul.
Sri Chinmoy
Practice the pause. When in doubt, pause. When angry, pause. When tired, pause. When stressed, pause. And when you pause, pray.
Toby Mac
Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.
Jonathan Huie
To the old, long life and treasure. To the young, all health and pleasure.
Ben Johnson
Take One Step
If you take one step, God will take two. Get the hard work started and be amazed at how easy it will soon be. May you be blessed with the gift of action.
God’s Direction
If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably wind up somewhere else. May you be blessed to recognize God’s direction and to follow faithfully.
To Live
Don’t trip over what’s behind you. Instead, eyes forward and walk boldly toward tomorrow. May God bless you to live in the present and to live for your future.
Bless and Keep You
You are here, you are unharmed, you are ready. It’s time to leave the past behind. May God bless and keep you far away from further hardship.
All of the Time
May God bless you with 12 months of success, 52 weeks of laughter, 8760 hours of joy, 525600 minutes of good fortune, and 31536000 seconds of happiness. Happy New Year.
By My Side
Dear God, You are by my side.
Bless This Family
Dear God, Bless this family. Watch over us and protect us. Bring joy, light, and laughter to our humble home. Keep evil spirits far away, and lead us down a straight and narrow path. Praise God who provides for all our needs.
A Simplified Life
Dear God, Simplify my life, so that I may serve You and others with a full heart, without distraction, in purity and reverence to my Lord. Amen
Every New Dawn
Dear Lord, We are leaving behind a difficult year, a terrible one, a year plagued by illness and isolation. As we sit in silent reflection, we will notice the opportunities, and lessons learned. Thank You for every sunset and every new dawn. Help us suppress bitterness and embrace celebration. Praise to You, God Almighty, who brings on a new year.
New Year Prayer
Dear God, Thank you that you make all things new. Thank you for all that you’ve allowed into our lives this past year, the good along with the hard things, which have reminded us how much we need you and rely on your presence filling us every single day. We pray for your Spirit to lead us each step of this New Year.
Debbie McDaniel
{stories, features, videos}
Story: What Christmas Disappointment Taught Me
Feature: What We Got for Christmas
Video: Fun Piano Stairs
Humor: Call in the Family
Feature: Hopeful Images from 2020
Feature: 20 + Prayers for the New Year
{bible affirmations}
Matthew 6:25-26
Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns, and yet our heavenly God feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
Proverbs 19:17
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord and will be repaid for good deeds.
Matthew 25:21
Come and share God’s happiness!
1 Chronicle 16:11-12
Look to the Lord for strength; seek God’s face always. Remember the wonders, miracles, and even the judgments granted.
Psalm 96:1
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth!