Week Ending April 23, 2021
Action generates motivation, not the other way around.
Mark Amend
The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.
Elie Wiesel
Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.
Rachel Carson
In a world of noise, confusion, and conflict, it is necessary that there is a place of inner silence and peace, not the peace of mere relaxation but the peace of inner clarity and love.
Thomas Merton
The good and the great are only separated by the willingness to sacrifice.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
True Life
Live a life true to yourself, not the life others expect of you. May God bless you with a long, happy life, on your terms, in the spirit of your convictions.
Better the Next
Always strive to be someone better the next day than you were the day before. May you be blessed with the motivation to improve yourself daily. God is counting on it.
Express your feelings. You need to do it, they need to hear it, and God needs you to be emotionally healthy. May God bless you as you reveal your inner self to the world.
Self-doubt can be crippling or it can simply keep you humble. You choose. When God created you, He planted all sorts of emotional mechanisms that seem (at first glance) to be negative ones. May you be blessed to look at your God-given qualities with fresh eyes and ask; How can I use this for good?
Don’t Regret It
Don’t work too hard or you’ll die regretting it. May you be blessed to find the balance between a healthy work life and a happy home life.
Receive the Light
Open my heart to receive Your light O God.
Let the Rain Come
Let the rain come and wash away the ancient grudges, the bitter hatreds held and nurtured over generations. Let the rain wash away the memory of the hurt, the neglect. Then let the sun come out and fill the sky with rainbows. Let the warmth of the sun heal us wherever we are broken. Let it burn away the fog so that we can see each other clearly. So that we can see beyond labels, beyond accents, gender, or skin color. Let the warmth and brightness of the sun melt our selfishness so that we can share the joys and feel the sorrows of our neighbors. And let the light of the sun be so strong that we will see all people as our neighbors. Let the earth, nourished by rain, bring forth flowers to surround us with beauty. And let the mountains teach our hearts to reach upward to heaven.
Harold Kushner
Oh God, what would I do without Your ever-present support? Thank You for never tiring of my repetitive pleas and persistent failings. You are ever-patient, ever-forgiving, ever-loving. I am simply ever-human, ever-sinful, and ever-grateful to You.
Ebbs and Flows
Dear God, it seems I am living in a world that is scarier than ever before. When pandemics and mass shootings lurk around every corner. When injustice prevails. My small self feels unequipped to make a difference. And then, You reassure me. I am more than enough. It starts right here, with me, with You, with my family, with my friends. Love prevails. History has its ebbs and flows. And this too shall pass. Selah!
Bless Me With All
Bless my soul and all that is me. Oh Lord, bless me with grace and humility. Calm and confidence. Love and understanding. Bless me.
{bible affirmations}
Ecclesiastes 3:11
God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.
Psalm 104:24
How countless are Your works, Lord! In wisdom You have made them all – the earth is full with Your creations.
Isaiah 40:1
Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
The comforted shall be the comforters.
Psalms 16:8
I will not be shaken. God is with me at my right hand, and my eyes are always on the Lord.
{stories, features, videos}
Story: What I Learned from my Pee Wee Football Coach by David Von Drehle
Feature: Talking About God for Fourteen Years
Video: The Miracle of Birth and Creation – Butterfly
Feature: How to Express Your Feelings, and How Not To
Video: Steve Harvey’s funny video on Stop Doing These Things at Church
Feature: The Surprise of Her Life