Dear God, This is the year I will be better to my body. I will get fitter not fatter. I will be careful in my diet, walk more, exercise regularly, and visit the doctor for check-ups. Thank You, God, for the gift of my body, I will care for this amazing network of muscle, bone, fluids, and organs that You lovingly made for me.
Dear God, This is the year I will be better to my body. I will get fitter not fatter. I will be careful in my diet, walk more, exercise regularly, and visit the doctor for check-ups. Thank You, God, for the gift of my body, I will care for this amazing network of muscle, bone, fluids, and organs that You lovingly made for me.
Dear God, This is the year I will use my mind for good. I will read, watch, and listen with intent and purpose. No longer will I fill my mind with gossip, hyped-up news stories, or cheap fiction. I will seize every learning opportunity. Thank You God for the brain You ingeniously built just for me.
Dear God, This is the year I will use my mind for good. I will read, watch, and listen with intent and purpose. No longer will I fill my mind with gossip, hyped-up news stories, or cheap fiction. I will seize every learning opportunity. Thank You God for the brain You ingeniously built just for me.
Dear God, This is the year I will be kinder to my family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. I will do random acts of kindness for strangers. I will embrace all of Your creatures with consideration and compassion. I will be conscious of nature and do what I can to keep it in its cleanest and most productive state. I will honor everyone and everything of Your creation.
Dear God, This is the year I will be kinder to my family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. I will do random acts of kindness for strangers. I will embrace all of Your creatures with consideration and compassion. I will be conscious of nature and do what I can to keep it in its cleanest and most productive state. I will honor everyone and everything of Your creation.
Dear God, This is the year I will be more responsible about money. I will work hard and work smarter. I will save more and spend less. Neither a lender nor a borrower I will be. I will let money flow through me and see it used to better myself and to make the world a better place.
Dear God, This is the year I will be more responsible about money. I will work hard and work smarter. I will save more and spend less. Neither a lender nor a borrower I will be. I will let money flow through me and see it used to better myself and to make the world a better place.
Dear God, This is the year I add more prayer to my life. I will praise You more. I will offer prayers not only for my own self-interest but for others. I will be more active in a spiritual community that shares my values. And God, each and every day this year, I will pray for peace.
Dear God, This is the year I add more prayer to my life. I will praise You more. I will offer prayers not only for my own self-interest but for others. I will be more active in a spiritual community that shares my values. And God, each and every day this year, I will pray for peace.
When you make new year resolutions that are true to yourself and honor God, you’ll find more success in becoming the better person You are destined to be. Happy New Year – may God grant you a year of abundant blessings.