Week Ending Friday June 22, 2022
A man does not have to be an angel in order to be a saint.
Albert Schweitzer
The planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind.
The Dalai Lama
My favoured temple is a humbled heart.
Phillip James Bailey
Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.
Mary Oliver
You’ll know strength when you’re deeply loved by someone. You’ll know courage when you deeply love someone.
Lao Tzu
Living Well
The best sermons are lived not preached. May you stand tall at the lectern of gracious living.
Appreciate the Now
Stop your fretting and complaining. There’s someone somewhere praying for what you have right now. May God bless you with an appreciation for your current circumstances — no matter what.
Release and Increase
May God bless you to let go of your anger and resentment. Release and increase God’s favor.
Walk Boldly
Make no excuses, defend your decisions. May God bless you as you boldly walk down the path of righteousness.
Brave Choices
Fear is a reaction. Faith is a choice. May God bless you with a faith-filled day of bravery in all situations.
Ultimate Gratitude
Blessed are You, O God, sovereign of the universe, for giving me life, for sustaining me, and for enabling me to reach this joy-filled moment.
Breathe the Awe
Dear God, may it be Your will that the light of Your face is reflected in mine. May my mouth speak only what is true, may my eyes see the good in all I meet, and my ears be attentive to the troubles of those who address me. May I breathe the awe of You, so that I lovingly face all I meet. May the words I utter be acceptable to You, my rescuer and protector.
Nahman of Bratzlav (adapted)
Where Will I Find You
I have sought Your nearness, with all my heart I have called You, and going out to meet You, I found you coming toward me.
Yehuda Halevi
God’s Angels
Ah, the angels! All of them loved, all of them pure, and all of them carrying out Your will. I raise my voice to You in song and celebration of the celestial angels, and the angels You have put here on earth, in mortal form, Divine in heart, doing their job to bring Your holy message directly to me. Praise to God and Angels!
Thanks for Humanity
Dear God, every fiber of my being was created to thank You. All the bones in my body, and the neurons firing away in my brain, exist to give You praise and adoration. Blessed are You Holy One, who designed this complex network called humanity to serve You.
{bible affirmations}
Psalm 103:16
Praise the Lord, my soul, who causes the wind to blow over it until it is gone, and it’s as if it was never here before.
Psalm 103:17
Praise the Lord, my soul, from everlasting to everlasting. God’s love and righteousness are with the children of each generation and God’s love is with those who give honor to Him.
Psalm 103:18
Praise the Lord, my soul, for those who keep God’s covenant and remember to obey God’s precepts.
Psalm 103:19
Praise the Lord, my soul, who has established God’s throne in heaven, and God’s kingdom which rules over all.
Psalm 103:20
Praise the Lord, my soul, you God’s angels, you mighty ones who do God’s bidding, and obey God’s word.
{stories, features, videos}
Story: Speak to Me
Video: Trees that Breathe + How it Happens
Feature: 1000 Unplugged Hours Hannah Brenchner
Poetry Feature: Where Will I Find You Yehuda Halevi
Fun Video: When Grandma understands the assignment
Humor Feature: Ball Bounces – I was thinking about old age and decided that old age is when you still have something on the ball, but you are just too tired to bounce it.