Two boys are skating on a frozen lake. One boy falls in. The other boy skates to a nearby tree, breaks off a large branch and returns to his friend.
He chips away at the ice around his friend and then uses the branch to pull his friend to safety.
Two paramedics show up at the scene. One is a young woman, and the other is an older gentleman. They are relieved to see that the boy is safe.
“How did you have the strength to break off that very large tree branch?” the young woman asks the boy.
Before he could answer, the older paramedic said, “I know how he did it. He was able to break off the thick branch and rescue his friend because no one was around him to tell him he couldn’t.”
Too often, we are influenced by others. Naysayers and skeptics will say: you can’t do it. It’s too hard for you. It’s impossible.
And then, you do it.
You’ll never be able to use your God-given power to its fullest unless you have complete confidence in yourself and God to achieve what others will say you can’t.