Mike is a tech guy. Six days a week, he toils away in a computer lab, and on the seventh day, he rests.
This story is not about Mikes’s life in technology. Or is it?
One day, Mike received a message from an event planner who was putting together a high-level educational program for the senior staff at Microsoft. Bill Gates himself would be there, along with members of the board and C-level executives. Mike was asked to participate on a panel and give a 30-minute talk on his particular specialty.
This was a very big deal.
After going over the details, time, place, expectations, etc. Mike agreed to take on the prestigious assignment.
Shortly after the agreement was made, he was notified of a change in the timing of his appearance. There had to be some juggling of the time slots to accommodate a few of the big-wigs, Bill Gates being one of them.
The problem was Mike was now scheduled to present on the Sabbath. Mike replied with a hard “No”.
Apparently, he was indispensable to the program, and the event planner was authorized to double, then triple, his honorarium. The answer was still “No”.
“Name your price.” was the final correspondence, and Mike explained there was no price he was willing to take to violate the commandment to observe the precious Sabbath.
Bill Gates was on a private plane with his personal assistant, who was reviewing the schedule changes with him. When Bill saw Mike’s name was absent from the list, he asked, “Why?” When he heard the explanation, Bill Gates, one of the richest men on the planet, said, “Wow! What must it feel like to be so secure in your faith, so dedicated to a force greater than success, prestige, or money?”
Too few people know what it feels like to have indestructible faith security. But Mike knows.
Six days a week, you should work, earn money, and pursue your material ambitions. But remember, God made the seventh day for Rest. Reflection. Renewal of spirit. Connection to God.
Susan Diamond
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