Greetings, Susan!
My name is Edwin D. and live in MD. I received my Biology degree, then my secondary education degree – and, also by God’s grace I received a position in our county (where nearly my entire extended family lives!)
Having been born again back on March 10, fifteen years earlier, I felt God had placed me strategically in order to plant seeds among the students I was honored to teach.
For 20 years, I enjoyed my job and young adults I taught.
My back had hurt for some time, and then my muscles and joints also started… Susan, it felt like the flu all the time. Additionally, I began to feel as I did when I had “Mono” in my ninth grade – so fatigued…no, more like I could fall asleep at any time.
Finally, after going to Johns Hopkins, I learned I has a genetic condition where 11+ discs in my mid or thoracic spine had been lost, crushing over 22 spinal nerve roots. I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In danger of becoming fully paralyzed, I was given letters by various specialists instructing me to immediately retire from teaching and work on receiving disability.
Grudgingly, I complied, thinking my issues would be reversed by my dear Savior in short order.
My last day teaching was April 3, 2010. Eight years ago (save approximately 2 months). Each illness has gotten FAR worse, with my pain not masked by the narcotics I’m prescribed! I’m in bed ~21 hours every day, the remaining 3 on the living room couch, where I watch TV with my dear 86 year old Mother, who does an excellent job taking care of me.
Why am I telling you all this, Susan? My faith dipped very far, or it was shallow to begin with – I don’t know. But if there is ever a time you wonder if you’re reaching hearts and minds for our Lord, let me assure you that from this sheep, you have been an enormous help to me as I recline here in my bed. I’ve learned so many things (but that must be for another correspondence!). I’ve taken too much of your time now.
I do have a suggestion: please, dear Susan, keep doing the same thing, for it is an extraordinary help to me and others like me!
I pray God’s blessings upon you in the coming year, unless the Lord returns to take His people home.
No, none of us knows when, but as John said, “Even so, Come Lord!”
With a Grateful Heart ️ for your Ministry,
Ed D.