There was an old man who lived with his wife in the countryside. They were very poor people, childless, and both were blind.
One day, an angel came to the old man and said,
“God sees how righteous and pious you are. He sent me to offer you one request, and whatever it may be, God will grant it to you.”
That’s amazing, it’s incredible,” said the man. “I will go home, speak to my wife, and tell you tomorrow what we decide.”
The husband and wife discussed the proposal.
Should we ask for longevity? Everyone knows the greatest blessing is to live a long life. Maybe we should ask for a cure for our blindness so we can see. It would be nice to have money and no more hunger, thirst, or longing for what we don’t have. We could give charity and share our wealth with others. And finally, they said we could request the greatest blessing of all, a child to love, nurture, and raise. Such choices are all important and desired.
The next day, the man returned to the spot where he met with the angel to give his answer.
“We have decided.” He told God’s angel.
“We want to live to see our great-grandchildren dining from silver platters.”
After granting that one thoughtfully conceived request, all the couple’s prayers were answered.
Don’t limit yourself. God can transcend the natural order. Sometimes, you’ll face an obstacle that seems impossible to get past. Don’t approach it with a limited mindset. Instead, have faith that God’s power is unlimited. And you are the beneficiary.