There is a story about a man who had been a contractor for many years. He had a daughter who was about to marry a young man who was also a contractor just starting out in business. The father wanted to give his daughter’s fiancé a break.
He went to the young contractor and said,
“You have a million-dollar budget. I want you to build me more than just a house. I want you to build me the best house ever built. Use the finest materials. Take your time, and I will pay all bills and provide you with a generous wage for your time, and at completion, I will give you a bonus for quality workmanship.
The young man agreed and immediately thought to himself, “Now I have a chance to make a quick profit!” Instead of following the father’s wishes, he decided to cut corners, use inferior materials, and rush through the work. He submitted inflated bills for materials, labor and design.
A mere two months later, the young contractor returned to the father and told him the house was finished. He eagerly anticipated his bonus.
The father was surprised to learn of the quick turnaround and asked,
“Did you use the best materials?”
The young man replied, “Yes, sir!”
“Did you use the finest appliances available?”
“Yes, sir!”
The father then inspected the house with his keen eye. He saw shoddy workmanship, poor design, cheap appliances, and bare-bone mechanicals.
The future son-in-law said, “I’m ready for the bonus you promised me.”
The father said, “Since this is the very best you could do, your bonus is this house. It’s all yours to live in. Here’s the deed.”
The young man was stunned and disappointed. The cheater felt cheated.
The father explained, “I’ve had a hard life, and I wanted to make sure you didn’t face the same challenges I did. But now, I can see you don’t have what it takes to succeed in the construction business. Your dishonesty will never serve you in life either.”
He went on, “The righteous build their lives day by day, brick by brick, with patience and perseverance, being true to their families and dealing honestly in business. I am heartbroken to see that my daughter will have a lifetime of struggle with you.”
The young man broke down in tears.
“Dear father, ” he said, “Can you forgive me? I promise you I will reform. My own father was a failure, always looking for his next big score. I followed in his footsteps, never knowing right from wrong. I pledge to change.”
And the young man did just that. He worked hard and learned from his father-in-law how to build high-quality, beautiful houses. As his reputation grew, so did his humility.
Over the years, the couple repaired, replaced, and re-did everything in the house. Eventually, they had a home that grew with them, strong in its foundation, with walls that kept out the harsh elements and windows that let God’s bright, warm light shine upon the family.
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