Week Ending Friday August 31, 2018
Life may not be the party you expected, but it’s your party – enjoy it.
Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.
Henry Van Dyke
We must aim above the mark to hit the mark.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.
I just checked. There’s no downside to looking up.
Serve Abundantly
There are two paths. You can serve just enough to meet the minimum expectations or you can serve abundantly to provide the maximum service. May you be blessed to choose the path that leads you to always serve God and others with your very best efforts.
Passion Guides
Working hard for something you don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something you love is called passion. May God bless you with work you love and passion that guides you.
What’s Right
Give God what’s right, not what’s left. Praise and giving to God should not be an afterthought. Being good is premeditated and carefully planned. May you be blessed with generosity of soul that always puts God first.
No Trade-ins
When something is broken you need to fix it, or you get a new one. It doesn’t always work that with people. Most times the ones you love need to fix themselves and you can’t trade them in for a newer model. Be a blessing to the hurt and broken people in your life, but know God is working in them.
It’s Friday!
Thank God for this day of endings, and new beginnings that pop up and say; “take a nap, have some fun, the work week is done.” May you blessed to use this weekend for rest and recreation. Go ahead, renew your spirit, excite your soul. It’s Friday!
My Pledge to God
Dear God I pledge to You that I will be my very best today. I will commit, choose, understand, hear, see, forgive, trust, count, remember, learn, plan, ask, speak, hope, change, create, give, receive, love, believe, pray, praise. All this I will do, all this I do for You.
Closer Walk
Dear God, I’d like to take a closer walk with You, this is my plea Hear my prayers know my heart And set my spirit free. Amen
Heavenly Kingdom
Lord, May I never be denied entrance to Your Heavenly Kingdom through my stubborn pride or disbelief. Help me to listen to Your voice attentively and to conform my life fully to Your Word.
Embrace God’s Blessings
Thank You for this beautiful gift of today. My heart sings Your glory. My spirit is exalted. I embrace Your blessings.
Before Your Answer Comes
Dear God, Before Your answer comes, may calm settle in my soul. Before Your answer comes, may joy touch upon my heart. Before Your answer comes, may contentment replace my unease. And when an answer comes, may I accept it with grace, in full faith, with a voice raised in praise.
{stories, features, video}
Story: In God’s Name
Feature: Sacred Find + Quote Forgetting You Never
Feature: Book Recco – Purpose Driven Life
Music Video: If We’re Honest Francesca Battistelli
Story: Echo
Feature: How to Talk to God in Silicon Valley
{bible affirmations}
Be wholehearted with the Lord, your God.
I will behave well, do good, and with God’s grace, my future is bright.
Luke 23:34
Love them anyway.
I am instructed to love not judge.
Psalm 139:9-10
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me and hold me fast.
Wherever I am, God You are there.
Psalm 42:5
Why my soul, are you depressed? Why this disturbance inside me? I put my hope in God. I praise God. God is my Protector.
I pray, I praise, I lift my spirits.
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
The Lord is patient and so am I.