Week Ending Friday March 29, 2019
Holy curiosity. It’s a healthy way to explore your options.
Be content. This moment is exactly where you need to be.
When springtime comes we increase in joy!
The purpose behind the accumulation of knowledge is to bring goodness to others, which is also true goodness for oneself.
– Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson
After all, life goes on.
It’s not about getting the job. It’s about getting the job done and doing it right.
Not Hiding
God is not hiding from you. Discovery is only a prayer away. Stop searching and recognize the blessing of an ever-present, all-knowing God.
Return to Innocence
Return to innocence the next time you pray. Forget all about your experiences, erase your memories for one prayerful moment. May you be blessed to be a babe, cuddled in God’s warm loving embrace once more.
Removing the Cause
The remedy lies in removing the cause, not merely treating the symptoms. Heal thyself. May you be blessed with strong emotional health, financial well-being, and a sound physical condition.
Focus on Good and Godly
Turn your focus away from things wrong with your life to all things right and good and Godly. May you be blessed today with positive thoughts and pleasant emotions.
Uncommonly Good
The thing about common sense is it isn’t that common. May you be blessed to cross paths with people who are uncommonly good and sensible. Stick with them, common sense rubs off.
Through a Rainbow
Lord, In every storm help me see the rainbow, turn my tears to smiles. Send a friend to share my heartache, lend insight for every trial. I ask Your blessing and your favor, as I go about my days. May I know Your love and wisdom for all this I humbly pray.
Strands of Connectedness
There are no more lines of separation, only strands of connectedness to You. My eyes find holiness everywhere, in every living thing, person, in every act of kindness, act of nature, act of grace. Everywhere I look, there You are God, looking back at me. -Jan Phillips (adapted)
Answer This Time
Dear God, it’s me. I’m back. I’m here again, with a heavy heart. I come to you with my prayers, the same ones I had last time, the ones I hope you will answer this time. I trust in Your timing, I am grateful for Your grace. Love, Me
Unspeakable Joy
Lord, Thank You for unspeakable joy that even the cruelty in this world can’t take away from me. Help me spread your joy to others throughout your kingdom. Praise to the Creator of joy.
Heavy Heart
For all of you praying with a heavy heart, know this. There will be joy again in your life, in your prayers and in your heart. Though you may pray with sorrow today, praise God with joy!
{features, video, stories}
Story: One Split Second in the Life of Dr. John Derry
Feature: People Who Stay by Hannah Brenchner
Feature: Toxic Positivity
Video: Experiments in Honesty and the 10 Commandments
Music Video: Laughing With, Regina Spektor
Feature: Her Time
{bible affirmations}
Deuteronomy 6:5
I love the Lord my God with all my heart, with all my soul and all my strength.
Josea 2:21 (adapted)
On this day the Lord hears my prayer and responds to the heavens. The heavens respond to the earth. The earth responds with new growth.
Ethics of the Fathers 2:1
To know what is above me keeps me from the hands of sin: eyes that see, ears that hear, and hands that write my deeds in the book of life.
1 Peter 1:8
Though I have not seen God, I love. And even without it, I believe. I am filled with inexpressible and glorious joy!
1 Peter 3:4
I clothe myself in beauty that comes from within the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God.