Week End Friday June 14, 2019
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
A setback is a setup for a comeback.
Willie Jolley
One day you will understand why, and you will thank God for it.
Some days you’re done with feelings…but feelings are not quite done with you.
Treat humankind with kindness.
Fight for your happiness, it shows you care.
The Effect
They call it the Benjamin Franklin Effect. People will like you more after they have done something nice for you. Got that? People want to do nice things for you. Let them. Extend the blessing and do something nice for another and watch love and trust grow.
Bearer of Blessings
The words you speak perform miracles every day. Marvelous change takes place when words of encouragement, words of truth, and words of kindness leave your lips. May you be a bearer of blessings to all who hear you.
Know Your Own Strength
You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option. May you be blessed to carry on with strength, dignity, and a sense of purpose.
God Resides
There is a lot of good in the worst of us, and plenty of bad in the best of us. No one is without fault. May you be blessed to see beyond the obvious and to know that God resides in us all.
It’s okay to be impatient with patience, but keep this in mind: Blessings come to those who go after them, pray for them, and wait for them. Do all three.
Open the Door
For all those who are closed to God, we pray they will open the door.
Peaceful Calm
Father God, You are the master of forgiveness. Allow me the peaceful calm to release the hurt. Despite the anger and because of it, I am pleading with You: Let me forgive and move on.
Much More I am Blessed
Praise God for giving me a soul and the awareness of light and love that fills it. Thanks to God for the earth beneath my feet and blue skies that crown the world. I am awed by God for wonders exceeding my every hope and endless possibilities. For all this and much more I am blessed.
Faith Train
At times, I feel like the engineer on a train, and some days, just cargo. I need to know if I’m on the right track. Each time we pull into a stop, I think my trip is over. Then the faith train starts up again. Help me find answers in the silences between stops. Give me the mettle to lead the way when I’m at the helm, and the wisdom to know when to let go and let You take over.
To Be There
Lord I pray to be a listener when someone needs to be heard. To be there with a hug when someone needs to be comforted. To be an inspiration when someone needs encouragement. I pray to be where I am needed.
{features, stories, videos}
Story: More Than a Match
by Aaron Shepard
Feature: Safe in the Arms of Angels
by Cheryl Dwyer
Feature: Best Parenting Tip
Feature: Would God Support the Green New Deal?
Feature: Tidbits for Laughs
Feature: Prom Queen
{bible affirmations}
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Do not be afraid.
James 4:15
If it is the Lord’s will, then I will.
Psalm 85:12
The Lord rains down blessings and truth springs up.
Isaiah 44:24
God is my Creator who made all things.
Isaiah 55:8-9
My thoughts are not your thoughts; neither are your ways My ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My thoughts higher than yours. Remember who I am when you spend time with Me. Marvel at the wonder of being able to commune with the King of the universe – any time, any place. Never take this amazing privilege for granted.