Prayables Week of Prayer Requests and Praise Reports March 18, 2017
I am thanking God for answering my prayers and doing unexpected things for me and I know greater things are ahead. Thank you God Almighty. Amen.
Have mercy on my wife and I, as you did on the city of Ninevah. I ask that everything You desire my wife and I to think, say, and be. I pray that we be think, say, and be. I ask for a blessing and protection over my marriage. I pray that You help me forgive her and trust her again. I ask for healing for the both of us. And I pray she is never ever unfaithful again, do not lead her into temptation and may she be protected from even the mere opportunity. As for the man who she cheated, keep him away.
Hello everyone thanking you for praying for my sister Rosie who was having seizure. It’s a year now that she is healed and no more seizure in her life. Thank you Lord. And for me, God has blessed me with a lovely job and the time I asked for. Thank you all those who lifted me n my sister to the throne of the Lord…. God bless you all….
I lost my mom 2 days after my birthday. It has been extremely hard for myself and my siblings. We were all very close to her but specialy myself. She was my best friend, she was my rock. I am strong like she was, but I’m having a very hard time with everything in my life. Please, I am requesting prayers for myself, my 2 sons, my daughter, my grandchildren, my brothers, and sisters. I thank you!
PRAYERS FOR MATT 3 years ago my son went off to college with the love of God in his heart. He wanted to share Gods love in a ministry by being a missionary. First semester he met a girl that didn\’t know the lord, he felt it was his duty to protect her from the world. They dropped out of college. He has turned from God and., made wrong choices to please her. It has been a struggle for both,from loosing jobs and now he is turning to alcohol. He has lost is way I pray he turns away from her and comes back to God.
I am kindly requesting for prayers. I have been looking for a job, it’s a year now. I have applied for so many, but not even one has been successful. Kindly pray for me for a break through. Amen and thank you.
Praise the Lord Please Pray Now AN URGENT. Please Pray now for my new born baby boy 4 days running, born on 12/3/2017. but sorry to say he is admitted at hospital for his function body. he is now in ICU CENTER 24 hours is over but there is not coming any good result. I am very much disperse very much upset what to do for his good health and recovery function the body. he is Hygienic problem in his body. Please Pray for him may God touch him and heal him in a mighty way miraculous.