Prayables Week of Blessings March 18, 2017
Rest in God’s presence. Relax in God’s presence. May you be blessed with a day filled of God’s Spirit. There’s enough doing every other day. Today undo and unwind.
{overcomes it all}
You think “that’s” the worst thing that could ever happen to you? You’re wrong. The worst case scenario in your life would be if God stops loving you. And that, simply can’t happen. Nuh-uh. Never. It’s not even in the realm of possibility. May you be blessed with proper perspective. Stop thinking about your problems as disasters and always remember; God’s love overcomes it all.
Don’t worry about what could go wrong. Instead, make sure you’re in a place where you can handle it when things go right. May you be blessed to be secure in yourself and situated to catch all the good that is coming your way.
You loved, you lost, you learned. Be okay with that. Be better than that, be at peace with the finely tuned mechanics of relationships that come and go. Anticipate and appreciate the ones that come to stay. May you be blessed with life-affirming relationships.
{beyond compare}
There’s no comparison. Stop comparing yourself to others. It invites unnecessary disappointment or unattractive pride. May you be blessed with satisfaction beyond compare. Go about your daily business of being who you are and you will soon be delighted with what you’ve become.
{irish blessing}
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!