Wrapping my sweater a little tighter around my chest, I think about how, just a few days ago, the air was warm and the sun bright. I look out at the prairie we planted, and I see all the pretty colors of the flowers still peeking through the yellowing grasses. In the forest behind the guest house and gardens, the leaves are all turning; here comes the slower seasons.
The slower seasons give us time to rest and ruminate. I appreciate them as they truly shape what is to come in the high season of our outdoor events and food production. However, before I yield completely to pumpkin spice and sweaters, I want to recall the beauty summer’s breeze brought our way this year: timely resources to finish our tasks, new opportunities for growth and development, faithful companions, answers to prayer, and many moments of profound joy and laughter to eclipse some very dark days. I can only thank our very faithful God for his tender care in this and every season.
In the summertime, we are immersed in the fruit of our labor. It’s the season of sight. Whatever we planned and planted prior, summer reveals its truth. What a gorgeous season we had here at Locavore.
As the cold sets in deeper and the green that surrounds diminishes, I’ll let the fruitfulness of summer by my vision as we repair, store up reserves, and let the unhurried pace – if we let it – prepare us for another season of joy, laughter, and abundance.
OK, I’m ready now. Hello October! I look forward to your quieter days and the opportunity for growth and reflection. November and December? You do have some amazing days ahead for us filled with friends, family, and feasting. Whatever the season, we hold joy and peace and keep moving forward in the good work God has given us!
Mrs. Farmer Jones, Locovore Farm