Blessing: Decide
Can’t decide? Making good decisions doesn’t depend on choosing A or B. That’s the easy part. The hard work begins when you decide to make your choice work. May God be with you in making good choices and making your choices good. … [Read more...]
Blessing: Character
The biggest difference between you being a “great person” or a “pretty-good person” is your purpose and intent. It’s what guides you and why. May you be blessed with remarkable character that’s well-meaning and grounded in faith. … [Read more...]
Blessing: Grey
The world around you is grey. Dark grey. Light grey. Grey-ish grey. And all of your thinking is dreary. You pray. The fog has lifted. You’ve entered a new world in full color. May you be blessed with transformational prayer. … [Read more...]
Blessing: Stand Up for Yourself
When faced with senseless drama, spiteful criticisms, and misguided opinions, walking away is the best way to stand up for yourself. To respond with anger is an endorsement of their attitude. May God bless you with self-control and pride to rise … [Read more...]
Blessing: What’s Next
Destination Addiction: des·ti·na·tion ad·dic·tion// (noun) the fact or condition of always asking “What’s next?” May you be blessed with relief from over-thinking the next milestone, the next best thing, or where you should be next. Take it one … [Read more...]
Blessing: Turkey Time
May your stuffing be tasty, and your turkey be plump, may your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious and your pies take the prize, and may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs. Seriously…all that and this too: May … [Read more...]
Blessing: Go Find It
Blessing: When to Leave
Some people are always angry, continuously looking for conflict. Walk away. The battle they fight isn’t with you, it’s with themselves. May you be blessed to know when to leave, when to stay, when to support, when to cease supporting. Don’t be drawn … [Read more...]
Blessing: Dare to Care
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