Dear God, My wishes don't matter to You, it's my deeds You care about. I pray my actions and good intentions will lead to Your grace. All praise to You, Almighty God. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Joy Waits
Dear God, Help me as I work my way out of this lethargy. Revive my spirit, expand my mind, and open my eyes to see the joy waiting for me to embrace it. Blessed are You, great and holy Father who guides us to our goodness. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Sense of Your Presence
When all is darkness and we feel our weakness and helplessness, give us the sense of Your presence, Your love, and Your strength. Help us to have perfect trust in Your protecting love and strengthening power so that nothing may frighten or worry us, … [Read more...]
Prayer: Change for Opportunities
Change is the end result of what I'm trying to accomplish. Give me the wisdom and strength to let go of the people in my life who hold me back. Bless me with self-control to break bad habits, and grace me with favor that leads to new opportunities. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Please Provide
It's getting harder every day to get by. Food prices, housing, health care, and insurance are rising faster than I can keep up with, and I'm falling behind. Please, God, provide. … [Read more...]
Prayer: As it Should Be
I embrace the tears, the fears, and the not-knowing. In this prayerful moment, I let down my guard and let You in. I have hope.I have faith. All that will be, unfolds as it should be. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Mirror of God’s Love
When I look in a mirror, I see physical characteristics that identify me as a person. But I am more. I am my essence. I am soul. I am a spiritual being. I live my life from the inside out. Dear God, help me release the fullness of Your love … [Read more...]
Prayer: In My Moment
Eyes shut, one deep breath leads me to You, dear God. Open heart, one thought, delivers my prayer. You are with me in my moment, responding to the request. Precious God, thank You. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Days and Nights
God. It's You, who orders the days and nights, who brings order to my life. I have the strength to overcome life's challenges, I live in faith so that I can manage it. My soul burns brightly within my being and Your holy presence is all I'm seeing. … [Read more...]
Prayer: Family Support
To all the children who don't know the love and security of their parents, I pray for you. In homes with missing pieces, I pray for you. When loss strikes and misfortune happens, I pray for you. Dear God, help them find their supportive family, not … [Read more...]