ONCE in these parts, and not so long gone neither, there was a fool that wanted to buy a pottle o' brains, for he was ever getting into scrapes through his foolishness, and being laughed at by everyone. Folk told him that he could get everything he … [Read more...]
Story: Why I Wonder About Love
Story: Push
The man was sleeping at night in his house when suddenly his room filled with light, and God appeared. The Lord told the man he had work for him to do and showed him a large rock in his front yard. The Lord explained that the man was to push against … [Read more...]
Story: Muddy Path to Heaven
A certain holy man had a custom of visiting various communities, where he would stay in the homes of his wealthy followers. In one of the cities that His Holiness would visit, there lived a wealthy man. Although he considered himself a follower of … [Read more...]
Story: Lessons from Jerry
Jerry is the manager of a restaurant in Missouri. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would always reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" Many of the … [Read more...]
Story: The Russian Soldier
A soldier served God and the Great Tzar for twenty-five years, earned three dry biscuits, and set off to walk his way home. He kissed his companions with whom he had served so long, and boasted of the feasting there would be in the village when he … [Read more...]
Story: A Daughter Writes
My dad is the best dad I could ask for. He’s a loving husband to my mom (always making her laugh), he’s been to every one of my soccer games since I was 5 (I’m 17 now), and he provides for our family as a construction foreman. This morning when I … [Read more...]
Humor: Random Thoughts & Observations
Sign seen in deli in Washington State: “What a friend we have in cheeses!” Up at the head table in the cafeteria, one of the nuns had placed a big bowl of bright red, fresh, juicy apples. Beside the bowl, she placed a note which read, "Take only … [Read more...]
Story: Transformation
One can wallow in sin and impurity, sinking to lower and lower levels, or one can choose to break the shackles of ignominy and seek God. It was said of Eleazar son of Dordia that he did not leave out any harlot in the world without coming to … [Read more...]
Story: Practical Tales
THE OLD MAN AND HIS FRYING PAN A man went fishing. He looked down the river bank and this young man noticed an old man fishing. That old man was having a lot of success. He was pulling in one fish after another. To the young man's amazement, he … [Read more...]
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