Week of June 10, 2017 {quotes} Promote Love Promote what you love rather than bashing what you hate. You are Grateful When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears. Another Chance Forgiveness says you have another chance at … [Read more...]
Everything Q-Card: Volume E13
Week of June 3, 2017 {quotes} It's Time Maybe it’s time for the fighter to be fought for, the holder to be held, and the lover to be loved. Hero A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. True … [Read more...]
Everything Q-Card Volume E12
The Week of May 27, 2017 {wisdom} Life will give you what you ask it for. It’s time to raise your standards. When you don’t go within you go without. Approach each problem with an open mind, not an open mouth. Prayer is the discovery that … [Read more...]
Everything Q-Card Volume E11
The Week of May 20, 2017 {wisdom} Behind all your stories, is your mother's story. Because hers is where you begin. The most valuable thing you may ever learn to do in this lifetime is to learn to distinguish the voice of God from the lies of … [Read more...]
Everything Q-Card Volume E9
Prayables Week of May 6, 2017 {wisdom} There's not too much that a good laugh and a long nap can't fix. Spring is nature's way of saying "let's party!" Even negative people are in your life to teach you a lesson. None are so old as those … [Read more...]
Everything Q-Card Volume E8
Prayables Week of Daily Blessings April 29, 2017 {wisdom} It's not what you look at, but what you truly see. Miracles do not cause faith, they arise from it. You loved, you lost, you learned. You grew, you gained, you go … [Read more...]
Everything Q-Card Volume E7
Prayables Week of Daily Blessings April 22, 2017 {wisdom} Somebunny loves you. Love. If you have it, you don't need to have anything else, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter what else you have. You find common ground with your enemy … [Read more...]
Everything Q-Card Volume E6
Prayables Week of Daily Blessings April 15, 2017 {wisdom} Silence is the language of eternity; noise passes. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. Build a house where the floor … [Read more...]
Everything Q-Card Vol E5
Prayables Daily Blessings Weekly Round-Up April 8, 2017 {wisdom} Choose to focus on God, not on your circumstances. It is during your darkest moment that you will see the light. Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the … [Read more...]
Everything Q-Card vol E4
Prayables Daily Blessings Week of April 1, 2017 {wisdom} It sure is hard to get angry with someone, when you're thinking of all the reasons you love them. Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain, but at the peak we all gaze at the single … [Read more...]