Week End October 6, 2017
Little Things
Don’t let little things upset you. Do let little things delight you. May you be blessed by tiny pleasures. Big or small—love them all.
Release the Burden
Sometimes you don’t realize the weight of what you’ve been carrying until you feel the weight of it’s release. May you be blessed to let go of your burdens and accept the help of God, your partner and your protector.
In the long run, being selfless pays off. Good news is, day by day, the long run keeps getting closer. May you be blessed with reward for your generous behavior that looks selfishness straight in the face and says “You lose!”
May God bless you with integrity. It’s a characteristic that is all too rare today. So many people do things in an underhanded way to get what they want, when they want it. But God is incorruptible, honest, righteous, and so shall you be.
Understanding Differences
The happiest relationships aren’t made up of two who have the same character. Instead they are made up of two who have the greatest understanding of their differences. May you be blessed to have a good relationship with a partner who gets you, and loves you, no matter what.
The Only Prayer I Need
I am thankful for the roof over my head and the job I go to each day. For family I love and the friends who share my life. May there always be gratitude in my heart for all the blessings I receive from You, God, my light and my provider.
Prayer: Feel God’s Presence
Lord help me. To step back from the rush and clamor of day to day life. To disconnect if only for a few moments so that I may sit quietly and do nothing but breathe. To connect with the wellspring of peace that comes only through that which is greater than myself. In this way, may I find the space and the time to feel Your presence. Amen
Praise You!
Others praise You with voices raised in song. And some paint awe-inspiring canvases or write words that flow like honey on a page. Let me praise You with the talents You have given me. I can reach out a hand to the lonely or raise my heart in prayer. I can offer words of comfort to the discouraged and share a smile with one steeped in sadness. In all these ways I praise You Lord, who made me as I am.
God Protects Our Family
Dear God, Protect our family. Keep us far away from temptation, harm, and danger. Bless us with treasures, showing us the value of your priceless gifts. Help us to be good, decent people, faithful to You and kind to others. Amen
Faith Increases
Lord I pray. Build my faith strong and I will stand up to adversity with confidence. Empower me with faith and I will see possibility instead of difficulty. I pray this day will be a spiritual one, a day of meaningful reflection where understanding grows, faith increases, and I am one with You. Amen
{stories, video, articles & more}
Story: The Soapmaker
Video: People are Awesome
Story: Daily Life is Your Temple
Message: The Dying Art of Disagreement +Video
Story: Parable of the Explorer
Video: Pull Less, Bend More
Psalm 31:24
Be strong and take heart all you who hope in the Lord. -Where hope grows miracles blossom.
Exodus 31:15 (inspired)
All of God’s creations borrow from each other. Day from night, night from day. Moon from the stars and the stars from the moon. Sky from the earth and the earth from the sky.
1 Kings 19:11-12
God sent a great and mighty wind, splitting mountains, shattering stones. But God was not in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake. But God was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake, a fire. But God was not in the fire. And after the fire, a still, small voice.
Lamentations 3:5
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to those who look for Him. Even if you can’t track Him, you can trust Him.
Psalm 51:7
Purify my sins I will be clean and wash me I will be whiter than snow.
I will not be trapped into accepting shame from someone who is trying to keep me from doing something I have every right to do. I am shameless in the face of God.
Stand Out
I will not merely fit in, or go with the flow. I will stand out and challenge the status quo.
Stand Strong
I am filled with God’s strength. I love. I lose. I love again. I make mistakes. I am forgiven. I learn. I walk away. I come home. No matter what life throws at me, I stand strong.
Purge Party
Today I purge. I get rid of mind clutter, old grievances, mistaken beliefs. I fully embrace clear-headed thinking and forgiveness. I take in God’s spirit and I am refreshed and renewed.
My life has changed and I am changing with it.
To love God and to be loved by God is to feel the sun from both sides.
The secret to knowing joy is being easily pleased.
Know what you want. Work to get it. Value it once you have it.
Do what is easy and life will be hard. Do what is hard and life will be easy.
Life is like tennis, the player who serves well, does well.
You must hurt in order to grow, fail in order to know, lose in order to gain. Because life’s lessons are often learned through pain.