Week End March 2, 2018
After God, love, and prayer; stories are what is needed most in the world.
Being alive has meaning far beyond the biological. Life is holy.
Having a good life isn’t about what happens to you. Having a good life is about how you respond to it.
How we walk with the broken speaks louder than how we sit with the great.
Hannah Brenchner
Listen to the sound of silent prayers.
The root of the words breath and spirit are the same. You can’t live without either.
Think Good Thoughts
There are two ways to think about yourself and others. The good things you can do FOR others, or the awful things others have done TO you. May you be blessed to think good thoughts of good deeds to be doing for others, and may your memory be faulty when it comes to actions done against you.
Words Matter
Words matter and so does the way you say them. Choose your words carefully, and be considerate in your tone and temper. May all who hear you be blessed to feel God in their hearts.
Tolerance does not mean ignoring differences as if differences didn’t matter. Genuine tolerance means engaging with people different from yourself with civility and respect. May God bless you with recognition of what makes us different and being more than just O.K. with it.
inspired by quote from Richard John Neuhaus
Lesson Learned
Never be defined by your past mistakes. It was a lesson, not a life sentence. May you be blessed to learn from the past and move confidently toward the future.
God’s Helper
God doesn’t work alone. He is a team builder. He delegates the doing of good deeds to each and every one of us. May your work as God’s helper be a blessing.
Help Me God to Remember
Help me God to remember my life is a gift, my my health is a blessing, and this new day is filled with awesome potential. Help me God to remember I have the capacity to bring something wholly new and unique and good into this world. Help me God to remember, to be kind and patient to the people who love me, and to those who work with me too. Help me God to remember, to see all the beauty that I so often ignore, and to listen to the silent longing of my own soul. Help me God to remember You, the One who brings on the day and fills it with joy and love. Amen
Forgiveness Within Reach
Today I ask for forgiveness. For the mistakes I made yesterday, for the ones I might make today. Perfection is unattainable. Yet with prayer and amends, forgiveness is within reach. I live as best I can. I am content knowing; You God are with me, cheering me on when I’m good, understanding me when I am not, and forgiving my human frailty. Thank You and Amen.
Better Relationships
Dear God, Bring me to a place where my relationships are healthy and strong. I am too often alone when I am with the people I love. Drive away disappointment. Allow me to accept it when I give much and get little in return. Change their hurtful hearts and let them know love instead. I pray for the day when we come together joyfully in peace and harmony. Amen
Sun Rose
Lord, I thank You. The sun rose today and the air I breathe is abundant. I have a place to put my feet and I enjoy the gift of motion. My mind is sharp and my heart wide open to accept Your blessings today.
Dear Children
Dear Children, We pray as one family for Your safety. With God’s help we have raised you to be brave and strong in the face of danger. We see the evil in this world. Those misguided souls hell-bent on your destruction. When we can not protect you – protect yourself. Wrap yourself in God’s armor. Use the brain and the voice God gave you to speak out against injustice. Rise up. Your time is now, your time has come. Love, Mother & Dad
{features, video, stories}
Story: Every Prayer Finds a Way Home
Maggie Story Episode 2: I Can Hear God
Video: Test of Faith or Longest Commute
Feature: Benefits of Reading
Video & Article: Mr. Okra + Obit
Video: Sabbath at Wendy’s
Exodus 15:13
With Your unfailing love You lead the people you have redeemed. In Your might, You guide them to Your sacred home. | Follow me wherever I lead you. Live in the now, think of life as an adventure, I am Your Guide and Your Companion. – God
I am guided by God to dwell in His sanctuary and to get there with spring in my step and joy in my heart.
Isaiah 26:3
I give perfect peace to you who trusts Me and stays strong in your purpose.
I prayed to know my purpose and I found it. I am determined to live as God demands of me. I know peace as I follow God’s will for my life.
Psalm 69:13
May our prayers come to You at the right time. O God, in Your abundant faithfulness answer us with sure deliverance.
I pray. I wait. I know God answers my prayers.
Job 1:21
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed is the name of the Lord!
The Lord gives joy and takes away sadness. The Lord gives peace and takes away unrest. The Lord gives hope and takes away despair. The Lord gives healing and takes away sickness. The Lord gives blessing and takes away curse. [PRINT/SHARE]
Psalm 63:6-7
On my bed I remember You I think of You through the watches of the night. Because You are my help I sing in the shadow of Your wings.
God will shelter me, and my family, within the wingspan of God’s holy protection.