Week End March 23, 2018
Live the story you want to tell.
The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; They just like everything they have.
It’s hard to see all the goodness in the world because its very nature is gentle, humble and quiet.
The happiest people are those giving more – not getting more.
Though you will encounter many defeats, you must never be defeated.
Ingratitude to man is ingratitude to God.
There Comes a Way
Out of nothing comes something. Out of no way comes a way. May you be blessed to find the way to something that brings positive change and honors God by your betterment.
Your Talent
Do more of what you’re good at. God gave you certain talents so you could improve on what comes naturally to you. May you be blessed to share your gift with the world.
Listen to God
On the rainy days when thunder bellows from the sky and lightning crackles with a sinister attitude, hold your ears to the heavens and listen. These are the days to take particular notice of the language God is using to speak to you. May your conversations with the Almighty be a revelation to you. Be aware of the message of God.
Snacks get a bad rap. Think snacks and you likely think sweet and salty – but no substance. Yet, there are plenty of healthy snacks like fruit, and vegetables that go crunch. Add some more snacks to the healthy side of the ledger: Bible bites and prayer nibbles. May you be blessed to enjoy small portions of inspiration in your daily spiritual diet.
Pay Attention
How obvious it is to notice when someone screws up. How elusive when that same person does something well. May you be the one to pay attention to the accomplishments, to give praise for the subtle goodness you see and to notice God in error and deed. Awareness is your blessing.
My God, I believe that everything is possible. Every part of me serves a purpose, every person in my life is meant to teach me something. I am thankful for every new idea, every strange and wonderful discovery. Praise to You God who created every living thing. amen
Prayerful Meditation
Surrounding me there is great peace. This God-given sense of harmony is softly, slowly and surely entering my body beginning in my head, soothing all pressure traveling the trunk of my body loosening tight muscles relaxing my arms, then hands now legs and feet. Peace about me Divine peace within me. Amen
Love & Light
God. I have faith in You to guide me on my way. Keep me safe and secure. Provide for my every need. Eliminate the darkness in my life. Shine Your light on my path. Determine my direction. Illumine my mind. Take away dark thoughts and replace it with love and light. Amen
Making Progress
Lord, I ask for Your support when I falter, a shoulder to lean on. When I dither through life without making progress – help me keep pace. Move along. Get going. Bless me with enthusiasm and energy for a new spirit of taking on life and making the most of it. amen
Refreshed in Faith
This moment in prayer is mine. I am blessed with peaceful, guiding, healing thoughts reminding me I am loved and cared for. How truly fortunate I am. I have gifts aplenty. Praise God for supplying my every need. My heart is filled with thanks for all I have and all who I hold dear. God is good indeed. I emerge from this prayerful state renewed with strength and enthusiasm. Refreshed in faith, firm in my life’s commitment.
{stories, features & video}
Story: Served by an Angel by Jaye Lewis
Blog: Lion King: A Lesson in Fear by Hannah Brenchner
Music Video: Marines Singing Days of Elijah
Sunrise Reflections: Susan’s Blog + Video
Story: Maggie Story Episode 3 Maggie’s Pal Bill
Article: Ghana’s Blackboard Computer Teacher
{bible affirmations}
Psalm 1:3
You are like a tree firmly planted by a stream of water, with leaves fresh and healthy, bearing fruit in your season as God intended. Prospering in the right environment.
God meant for me to be healthy and prosperous. I will be sure to seek out the right environment to fulfill God’s plan.
Hebrews 13:6
The Lord is my helper.
I will not be afraid. Mere mortals can do nothing to harm me.
Hebrews 6:18
God made you a promise and sealed it with commitment to honesty and truth. There is a plan, there is a way, there is a happy ending. Go to God. Be encouraged. Be confident.
I stand beside my God. I am positive, confident and I trust in God’s plan.
Ethics of the Fathers 6:6
48 Virtues – Transformational Bible Study #48 Through giving credit to one’s teachers – whoever credits a teaching to its author brings redemption to the world, as it is written: ” And Esther said it to the king in the name of Mordecai.” Esther 2:22
Praise God for [teacher name here]
Proverbs 31
Do not spend your strength consorting with bad characters. Speak up for those who can not speak for themselves. Do not deprive others of their rights and freedom. The mighty maintain their sobriety. Bring comfort to the suffering. Defend the poor stand up to the haughty. Judge others and yourself fairly. Always remember to live God’s Word.
I will use Proverbs 31 as a guideline for my character development.