Week End Friday October 12, 2018
Celebrate the wait.
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Lao Tzu
All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Man is not the creature of circumstances. Circumstances are the creatures of man.
Benjamin Disraeli
Don’t be fooled. People aren’t always who they “post” to be.
Fix your gaze at the star-strewn heavens and give thanks for the beauty of God’s creation.
Exquisite Creation
May you be blessed to recognize your own beauty, celebrate happiness and live confidently.The endless stream of people who look prettier than you, happier than you, and more confident than you is a sham. You are God’s exquisite creation.
Strong Enough
Even the most devout people struggle with their beliefs. They allow doubt in and with it comes fear. May God bless you with faith strong enough to dispel doubt and ease your spiritual struggles.
Live True
Live your life true to yourself, not to the expectations of others. May God bless you with the courage of your convictions.
Your Purpose is for Others
Your passion is for you, your purpose is for others. May God bless you with the thrill of discovering what gets you excited and may you be blessed to use your passion in service to others.
quote by Jay Shetty
No, It’s Not Magic
The more you pray, and the more you reflect on your relationship with the Divine, the sooner you will toss aside the notion of a God who yields a magic wand granting wishes and causing money to rain from the sky. Sorry to say it ain’t so. Happy to report the alternative is much better. May you be blessed with a maturity of spirit. May you be the recipient of meaningful miracles, produced by God,gratefully accepted by you.
Growing Family
My family is growing and I am growing too. Help us find peace with each other as we change and move in different directions. Help me be at peace with the new, show me how to let go and when to hang on. Father, protect us and keep us bound together in love and respect for one another.
Benevolent God
Dear God, How can You, a good and benevolent God, allow so much suffering? Help me understand the unexplainable. Keep me hopeful through the trials. Show me that good triumphs over bad and there are better times ahead. Amen
The Unhurried Day
Dear God, I am asking for an unhurried day. A day that takes its time; an adventure, a discovery. Set me before the path to nowhere and I will follow it gleefully. Praise to You Creator of time and space.
Peace to a Fidgety Body
Dear Lord, I ask for peace. Peace in my restless spirit, peace in my wandering mind, peace in my fidgety body. Praise to You, calming God who brings peace.
Bless This Family
God, bless this family. May Your spirit lead us to gentle words and affection toward each other. May Your teachings show us how to behave when we are out in the world. Temper our evil inclinations and grant us a generous measure of Your favor.
{stories, video, features}
Story: Two Sisters
Feature: Be Strong and Courageous
Video: Quotes from Mother Teresa
Video: Comedy Classic: Creation
Story: North Wind vs Sun
Feature: Summer Rages, Autumn’s Blessed Darkness is Coming
{bible affirmations}
Psalm 84:11
The Lord bestows favor and honor.
When I am in authentic communion with God I feel like I have everything I ever wanted.
Isaiah 43:2
When you go through rough waters I will be with you.
I can not sink, I swim through the water, buoyed by the grace of God.
Romans 8:38
Nothing can ever separate me from God’s love. Not death or life, neither angels or demons, not my fear for today or my worries about tomorrow. Not even the powers of evil can separate me from God’s love.
I am never apart from my loving God.
1 John 4:16
God is love. When you live in love you live in God and God lives in you.
I live in love.
Psalm 150
Praise God in His sanctuary, in His mighty heavens, for His acts of power, for surpassing greatness, with the sounding of trumpet, with harp and lyre, with timbrel and dancing, with strings and pipe, with the clash of cymbals and the resonance of the cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Hallelujah
I praise God with loud pleasing sounds, I praise God with everything I have. Hallelujah!