Week End October 26, 2018
God’s message doesn’t change, God’s message changes you.
I’ve been protected. I’ve been directed. I’ve been corrected
Dear. You are loved and adored, protected and held safe, admired and respected. You are a pleasure to me. Your friend, God
Walk slowly, but never walk backwards.
Loving yourself isn’t vanity, it’s sanity.
Joy comes in the morning.
One Thing True
So unsure it’s hard to believe So much hardship with no relief Yet, you know there’s one thing true God is always here for you. May you be blessed with grace and favor May you be happy in leisure and labor. Every day in every way Know that God is here to stay.
Order & Peace
May your day be orderly and peaceful. May your worries lessen and may today be trouble-free.
Think About It
Think about victory, not defeat. Think about empathy, not judgment. Think about love, not hate. May you be blessed to turn your thoughts into action.
Who To Please
The smart ones know how to please…and they know who to please. May you be blessed with a gobsmackingly large desire to please God. You know how to do it.
Hey there sweeties! You are blessed to have each other. Be grateful. Be good. Thank God.
Go Again
Dear God, Here I go again! A day filled with awe and wonder. A day where I learn something new. A day when I impact someone’s life in a positive way. Thank You for giving me another go-round on this joyous ride we call life. Amen
Teach Me How to Forgive
Dear God, Teach me how to forgive. Help the vicious memories of their injustice fade in my mind and in my heart. Let me think clearly through the lens of forgiveness.Only then will I find peace once more. Amen
Defiant Courage
Lord grace me with defiant courage as I approach all that is difficult for me. When fear weakens my resolve and I am tempted to stand back, Lord help me move ahead. I am brave in the spirit of the Lord.
Concept of Kindness
Dear God, Thank you for kindness. It’s such a simple concept. “Do for others as you would want them to do for you.” Brilliant! I receive it, I give it, I rejoice in kindness! Amen
Tangled Emotions
I am down, depressed, and disappointed. Lift me up Lord, show me how I can handle these tangled emotions that do not serve me. My faith is strong, but my will is gone. Help me get better.
{stories, features, video}
Story: The Flight by Julia Valenskaya
Feature: Tiny Apples: Propagating a Dream
Music Video: Jonathan McReynolds – Cycles
Feature: Madelyn Linsenmeir, Rest in Peace
Music Bible Video: Psalm 121
Feature: About That Night
{bible affirmations}
Psalm 26:8
Lord, I love the house where You live the place where Your glory dwells.
God lives in heaven, God lives on earth. God lives in cities, God lives in the country. God is here, there, everywhere.
Isaiah 54:17
No weapon used against me will succeed I will silence every accusing voice and each judgemental word I am a servant of the Lord and it is the Lord who will make it right.
1 Peter 3:8-9
I have unity of mind with all of humanity. I have sympathy with my brothers and sisters and I love them all. I strive for humility. I do not repay evil with evil. Instead, I bless as I have been called to do. Because of all this, I receive favor.
Psalm 121
God watches over me.
Philippians 4:12-13
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through God who gives me strength.