Week End December 14, 2018
Ride out the storm. God rides with you.
There is beauty all around when love in the home abounds.
Life is like an echo, what you shout out comes back at you.
May the best that ever was…be now.
Joyful living is a choice, not dependent on circumstances, it depends on you.
Accept them, don’t condemn them.
You expect perfection in many of the little things you encounter each day. Water flows when you turn on the tap, your jar of peanut butter will taste the same each time you buy it. God has blessed you with perfect little miracles like this – say thank you next time you come across one.
Blessed with Love
May you be blessed with love. Love in the morning. Love in the evening. Love every moment in between.
Grow and Gain
May you be blessed to accept both compliments and criticism. You know it takes the sun and the rain for flowers to grow and gain.
Change of Heart
When you meet someone you dislike, pray to understand them. May God bless you with a change of heart.
Radical and Brave
Just one hug can tame the wildest beast. May you be blessed to be a giver and getter of hugs not shrugs, smiles not frowns, and love – radical and brave.
Ever-Abiding Presence
Dear God I have no greater joy than awakening to Your ever-abiding holy presence. Thank you.
Fill Me Up!
Lord, fill me up! Douse me with Your holy spirit. Leave no room for doubt, fear, or sadness. Lord, You satiate me.
Move Me
Dear God, You, who can move me from January to December, I pray for you to move me from shame to fame, insult to result,sorrow to glory, disgrace to your grace, labor to favor, mockery to victory. Move me.
Another Day
God Thank You for another day of grace and mercy. Today I acknowledge all my blessings, large and small – I take nothing for granted. I live this day deeply grateful to You, O Lord, my provider. amen
Everything Will Be Okay
God, I must be honest about the hurt in my heart. Help me know the difference between reasonable sadness and toxic self-pity. How can I dial back the pain, when is it time to let go? Be with me. Heal me. Let me hear Your calm voice say, “Eveything will be okay.”
{features, stories, video}
Story: Abraham and the Idols
Video: A Kid, A Dog, and A Puddle
Story:Why We Should Celebrate a Birthday
Feature: Einstein’s “God Letter”
Story: “If” a poem by Rudyard Kipling
Feature: Mean Kids
{bible affirmations}
Psalm 46
The Lord is my strength.
Matthew 5:9
I am blessed. I am a peacemaker. I am a child of God.
Job 36:10-11
When I open my ears to instruction and serve God, I will enjoy prosperity for the rest of my days.
Psalm 30:5
Though I may weep in the darkness of night, joy comes at morning.
Genesis 1:27
I am created in the image of God. You are created in the image of God. We are all created in the image of God. There is no one created who does not hold God’s holiness inside.