The Week of May 27, 2017
Life will give you what you ask it for. It’s time to raise your standards.
When you don’t go within you go without.
Approach each problem with an open mind, not an open mouth.
Prayer is the discovery that you are firmly in faith at that immediate moment in time.
Initiative is what happens when you start something out of nothing, break the pattern, launch the new thing and take a leap.
Listening is where love begins.
God is Your Sail
A sailboat without a sail might float. For a long time, in fact. But without a sail, it can’t go anywhere, floating is insufficient. God is your sail. May you be blessed with smooth sailing to destinations yet unknown. Enjoy the ride.
Smile Because it Happened
Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. Memories are to be enjoyed. They sit pretty in your mind carefully selecting the pieces worth hanging on to, and discarding the ones that don’t serve you. May God bless you with cherished memories that propel you to the next big thing.
It’s unbelievable how little your beliefs actually matter. Truth emerges from your deeds. May you be blessed to live an honest life. Your faith is more than a belief system—it’s a set of values. Now go ahead, do good deeds and be faithful.
As he walked out of the gates of the prison, he knew if he didn’t leave his hatred and bitterness behind, he would never be free. What do you need to leave behind to be free? May God bless you with freedom of spirit that feels no ill will to your “captors”.
To Grow Beautifully
The broken, wind-beaten trees, bud, green and bloom in their space and season. May you too, be blessed to thrive and grow beautifully wherever you are planted.
Listen to Your Body
Listen to your body. Eat when you’re hungry. Rest when you’re tired. Relax when you’re stressed. Step back when you’re overwhelmed. May you be blessed with good health that continues to serve you day after delightful day.
A Wild Day
Thank You God for this wild unfettered day! Thank You for this day to center myself, to get caught up, to refuel and blow off steam – all in order and at the pace of my choosing. Amen
My Very Best
Dear God, Today as in all days past and all days future, I need Your direction and wisdom to meet the everyday challenges head on. Give me insight to find the right way and common sense to supply the answers. When I rest my head for sleep at night I will know I have given You my very best. Amen
Good in Every Day
Every day may not be good, but I know there is good in every day. Let my eyes be open to the natural beauty in the commonplace things I see today. May my heart feel love for all who I meet today. Thank you dear God, for the good You bring today.
Wonders Without Number
Holy Father, this I know to be true: You alone are my God. You do wonders without number, marvels that surpass my understanding. You give me life everlasting. amen
You, God, Are Here
Among skyscrapers and city streets, You, God, are here. I sense You in the sun on hot pavement, glinting glass and rumbling buses. When I look around, I see You in the faces of Your children– young and old, men and women, from all lands. You, God, are here, You, God, are everywhere.
The Grace God Shows
Dear God, the pain passes and the beauty remains. I am grateful for the winds that blow, the generosity I know, and the grace You show. Amen
{stories, articles, video}
Story: King’s 4 Wives
Article: His Murder was Put on Facebook, But Forgiveness is His Legacy
Story: In God we Trust
Video: Your Mother is Calling
Article: How a Few Words Saved a Life
Video: Susan – a Documentary
Lasting Friendship
I stay true to my life-long friends.
I am an immortal soul, and I am held eternally accountable for the way I treat others, not for the way they treated me. With all deliberate speed, I joyfully forgive.
Pray for Me
I ask for prayers.
Look around in wide-eyed wonder.
I speak out on issues for social good. I do what I can to give opportunities to those treated unfairly.
I am just one small speck in God’s Divine universe, ready to do one small thing for humanity.
Exodus 20:8
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
The Sabbath is the celebration of life beyond the work week. It’s a day when you draw closer to the One who hallowed it. It is a day to reflect on the Word and on the commandments. It’s a day for you, it’s a day for God.
1 Kings 3 5-9
“And God said, Ask what I shall give thee.” And Solomon said, “Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart.”
Exodus 32:30
You have committed a terrible sin, but I will go back up to the Lord. Perhaps I will be able to obtain forgiveness for your sin.
Psalm 36:9
With You is the fountain of life, the light by which I see.
James 3:9-10
My dear friend, With your mouth you speak both praise and curse. You praise the Lord your Father, and you curse people who were created in His image. This isn’t right.
Psalm 42:3
And David states: “My soul thirsts for the Lord, the living God.”
What is the way to know the love of God? When you think deeply and often of His wondrous deeds and marvelous creations, when you appreciate His infinite wisdom that surpasses all comparison, when you rightly praise and glorify Him, you will certainly know the love of the Lord.