How to be a better person? First start with the right thought in mind. Find your true self. All the self-help books in the world can’t change you into a new person. The best how-to advice will change you into a better one. It’s time to let go of the idea that you should be someone different. We’re sharing the best tips to help you be true to yourself, while becoming the better person you want to be.
Being true to yourself is a way of life, not a destination.
Understand that you won’t wake up one day and say, “I’ve made it. I am now who I was meant to be.” You’ve already arrived at your authentic self – it happened at birth. Don’t wait for major transformation to happen, take small steps towards being a better you.
Believe in yourself.
It’s all well and good to improve yourself, try new things, and break bad habits. But don’t get hung up thinking that you’re unworthy or incomplete until you do. Self-improvement strategies help, not replace your core values. Your spirit was created in the image of your Creator. It doesn’t get better than that – believe it.
Don’t force friendship.
People will like you because they do. You can’t force affection. You shouldn’t intentionally draw attention to yourself and expect anything but disappointment. Gifts and favors won’t work either. Follow this one rule for cultivating honest friendships: Be interested and you will be interesting.
Get confirmation from within.
Unless you love and accept yourself, it won’t matter that someone else does. Self-respect is the foundation for lasting satisfaction and true happiness. Don’t go to outside sources looking for confirmation that you’re okay; your heart won’t believe it anyway. Build self-esteem by acknowledging the natural gifts you have. Take time for positive introspection. Develop a routine of meditation, prayer, and affirmations. Build a case that helps you love you.
It’s o.k. to be flawed
Perfection is not something to strive for. It’s actually de-motivating. Share yourself, flaws and all, with other people. When you do, you’ll be more compassionate and able to connect better with others. Imperfection is an asset; it’s something everyone can relate to. When you’re open and honest about your faults and mistakes you’ll begin to see how insignificant they really are.
How to be a better person? Now you know.
You’re already an amazing person, worthy of love and respect. When you stop worrying about changing yourself, you’ll begin to see small changes happening in your character that really matters. No need to draw attention to yourself or to hide from it either. Let your personality flow naturally. Believe in yourself, respect yourself, and most of all love yourself – just as you are.
Prayer for Self-Awareness
Reveal the big mystery of me.
Show me how to use my talents wisely.
Help me to determine what is truly important.
Steer me from distraction and temptation.
When I discover the true purpose for my existence;
I will serve.
As for now, I pray.