The pastor was walking down the street when he saw one of his parishioners. The fellow was dragging his feet; he looked weary and unhappy.
“Hello, Harold. It’s good to see you. How have you been?”
“To tell you the truth, Pastor, I have been having tough times. My business is in trouble. I can’t pay my bills, and my financial problems are mounting.”
The pastor responded. “I know when I have problems, I open my Bible to a random page, and there seems always to be a verse that speaks to me. Try it.”
They said their goodbyes.
A couple of years later, the pastor and Harold happened upon each other again. This time, Harold had a spring in his step and a smile on his face. He was a different man than the deeply unhappy man he had seen before.
“Hey Pastor, it’s great to see you!” Harold said gleefully. My circumstances have turned completely around.”
“That’s wonderful, what happened?”
“After I saw you last, I took your advice. I went home, opened my Bible to a random page, and what do you know? At the top of the page, it said Chapter 11!”
Find more Holy Humor from Prayables
Don’t get the punchline? Chapter 11 is a form of debt forgiveness from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court