A girl brought her fiancé home for dinner. After dinner, the fiancé and the girl’s father go into the study for a man-to-man talk.
“So, what are you doing right now?” asks the father.
“I am a theology scholar,” replies the fiancé.
“Do you have any plans of employment?” the father continues.
“I will study and God will provide.” the pious young man replied.
“What about when you have children?” asks the frustrated father.
“God will provide.” the fiancé repeated his now expected reply.
“How will you afford a house and a car?” the father persists.
“Again, God will provide,” says the resolute fiancé.
The father has heard enough. He shakes the hand of his future-son-in-law and wishes him well.
Anxious to hear how the talk went, his wife comes into the study.
“So what did you two talk about?” she asked.
Her husband gives his report.
“Well dear, the bad news is, our daughter’s fiancé has no plans of employment, no thoughts as to how to provide for our daughter, and our future grandchildren, no way to afford a home or a car.
The crest-fallen mother of the bride asks, “What’s the good news?”
Trying to make the best of the situation, the father answered.
“Judging by his answers, and the way he looked toward me when we were talking, he thinks I’m God.”