A man came to a great sage and shared his troubles. The sage listened and then proceeded to tell him about someone else in the community who needed help.
“Great Sage, I don’t understand why you are telling me about someone else’s problems when I have problems of my own.”
The sage replied by reciting a bible verse from Exodus 3:7 where God says, I have also seen the affliction of My people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their oppressors, and I am aware of their sufferings.
“God was saying to Moses; I heard the cry of your people because even in the midst of their own troubles, the people heard the cries of the others.”
When you find yourself in distress, listen for the cries of others and feel their plight. Noticing and caring about other’s troubles will bring them from darkness to light to redemption. And you too, will see the light.