A man’s daughter had asked the local minister to come and pray with her father. When the minister arrived, he found the man lying in bed with his head propped up on two pillows. An empty chair sat beside his bed. The minister assumed that the old fellow had been informed of his visit.
“I guess you were expecting me,” he said.
The minister told him his name and then remarked, “I saw the empty chair, and I figured you knew I was going to show up.”
“Oh yeah, the chair,” he said “Would you mind closing the door?”
Puzzled, the minister shut the door.
He continued. “A friend told me told me to place an empty chair in front of me when I had something to say to God, and visualize Him sitting in the chair. I tried it and right away, I felt God listening to me as I talked. My prayer life is now rich, and my faith strong.”
The minister was deeply moved by the story and they prayed together facing the chair.
Two nights later the minister got a call. The old man died in peace, with his head on the cushion of a chair that had never been empty.