A young man went to his pastor. “Why do we pray so much?” he asked. “It doesn’t seem to work. We always sin again.”
In response, the pastor asked him to turn around and look through the door behind him. There was a toddler learning to walk.
“Tell me what you see,” said pastor.
“A child, standing then falling,” replied the young man. The pastor told him to come back tomorrow. He did, and then he came the next and the day after. Every day he saw the same scene: the child standing, falling, and standing again.
Then at the end of the week, however, the child stood and didn’t fall! The child’s eyes lit up. She seemed to have achieved the impossible.
The pastor turned to the young man and said “So it is with us. We may fall again and again, but in the end, a loving God gives us the opportunities we need to stand up.”
God invites each of us to stand up, and invites each us to a happier life filled with faith and meaning.