I call across the canyon
to my inner being.
Are you there?
Are you there?
And an echo returns:
You are small.
You are small.
And then,
you are not enough,
you are not enough.
And so it goes.
Years of struggle,
back and forth, to and fro.
I am small, not enough.
I have nurtured
the inner critic, the judge,
the negative inner voice
long enough.
Oh lovely one,
are you there?
God of affirmation,
God of love,
God of beauty,
God of emptiness,
God of space.
I call upon a more loving,
gentle and forgiving
force that has always lived
quietly, silently within.
I call upon You.
and a quiet radical voice
above the abyss.
I am here.
I am here.
I am here.
I am my beloved’s
And my beloved is mine.