Prayables Week of Blessings March 11, 2017
{anele x.}
please pray for me to be able to forgive myself, I was involved in a terrible car accident this past weekend. Part of the reason for the accident was due to the fact that I was under the influence of alcohol. I hate myself and disappointed in myself. but i’m more ashamed. i have let my parents down. i wish to leave alcohol and repent from my ways. please pray for me. i need help.
Thank you all so very much. It is so hard for me right now, on top of the problems that I am dealing with at work, I just found out that a very dear friend just died, and on Friday I was betrayed by someone who I thought was a really good friend. I just don’t know how much more I can take. Please, please continue to pray for me, I just don’t know how long I can take it. I just want to give up, but something keeps telling me not to. Thank you for your encouraging words, you just don’t know how much it means to me. I am truly grateful to you and everyone for all the prayers and encouragement. May I ask that you please keep me in prayer? I know that this is just temporary.
{vlado a.}
Please pray for many needs I have. To be spiritually in tune with my Savior, be able to deal with my loneliness, being able to miraculously reconcile relationship with BKM or move on, be focused on my work and to fight my addictions and feel loved. I need to be able to make wise decisions in God’s guidance. Amen
Please pray for me. I’m having a really hard time adjusting to my empty nest. I’m a single mother with depression and anxiety issues. I feel that my kids and everyone else has moved on with their lives and I’m stuck in a rut that I can’t get out of. I’m off work now for a broken shoulder and I’m so alone. I cry every day. I’ve been praying but it seems that God has other things to do. My life is unbearable. Please, please pray.
{joy t.}
For protection. To heal and move my life beyond this place. To know my worth. To remember it always. To start to Live. For forgiveness. For guidance from the Divine to my souls passion and purpose. Clear thinking. To remove the negative unwanted thoughts and habits. Replace them with life affirming one’s. Bless my body mind and spirit. Watch over and protect me.
Please pray for my finances, my husband died last year on March 10, 2017 and I have been struggling ever since to hold to our home of 21 years. So far, I have been doing good, I took on a part time job, but, some other expenses came up and now I am one month behind on my mortgage. I need GOD to step in and perform a miracle. I am to start receiving some financial help but it is scheduled to start in September. I need the help today. Will you pray for a financial break through for me? Thank you.
My friend moved to a new home. Satu has had a difficult season and he has a history of mental illness. Could you please pray that a brighter future would be in store for him? God bless you.