Week Ending Friday, December 2, 2022
Be thankful for what you have. Your life is someone else’s fairy tale.
Wale Ayeni
Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.
Booker T. Washington
I was wise enough to never grow up while fooling most people into believing I had.
Margaret Mead
Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
Carl Bard
Daily, moment by moment, life is a sequence of choices. We choose to act or not, to react or not. What we believe, how we feel, boredom, passion, and kindness don’t merely happen to us, they are all choices we make.
Karyn Kedar
Overlook the Small Stuff
The happiest people are those who know what to overlook. May you be blessed with selective vision.
Sweet Lips of Love
Worry less praise more. May God bless you with a calm mind and God-filled sweet lips of love and adoration.
Love-Filled Heart
Better a heart filled with love than a mind filled with useless knowledge. May God bless your loving heart and may you continue to learn and grow in God’s Word.
New Picture
You are more than a “before” picture. You are ever-changing, ever-growing, always taking advantage of new opportunity and new beginnings. God bless you as you start fresh this new month.
Healing to All Situations
Praise and give thanks for the miracle of God making every disease temporal and for bringing healing to all situations. May all of your health-related prayers be answered swiftly.
Together on Holy Ground
Dear God, Help us understand life as an expression of love for all human beings. That no religion is not the answer and all religions have You as they know it. There is no truth truer than Yours, and no one place better than where we stand right now, on Your holy ground.
More Than My Words
Let me love You with everything. Let my intellect adore You, my body understand You, my heart envelops You. Teach me to open entirely, that I may learn to reach for You with more than my words, for I am made of more than words myself, and I am made to commune with You.
Inside Outside
That which shows God in me, fortifies me. That which shows God out of me, makes me weak and useless. Inside and out I am strong in devotion to God, service to others, and always true to myself.
Season Signals
God, thank You for the seasons You’ve designed for Your creation. For the sweet and gentle signals that it’s time to change, time to blossom and thrive, time to release and restore. May I be always open to unfamiliar winds, confident each new change speaks of new life ahead.
Now and Tomorrows
There’s a reason the sun rises anew each day. Every day is a completely clean slate. When I’m cherry-picking bad memories and rolling them around in my head all day, it’s hard to remember that I’m already forgiven. Forever. For good. Happiness is a decision to accept grace and embrace joy. Thank You God for forgiveness, love and kindness. Thank You God for direction, guidance, and protection. Thank You God for now and tomorrows. Thank You God.
{bible affirmations}
Psalm 25:8-9
Good and upright is the Lord. God instructs sinners to follow the straight and narrow path, guiding the humble and teaching them in the right way.
Exodus 14:14
God will fight for you if only you stay still.
Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds.
Psalm 145:19
God fulfills the desires of those who respect him. He hears your cry and saves you.
Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.
{stories, videos, features}
Story: The Near-Perfect Thanksgiving
Poetry Feature: God’s Rosebud
Feel-Good-Video: Newly Adopted Little Boy Speaks Up
Animated Video: History of God
Feature: Handicapable Basketball Player
Friday Holy Humor: Hymns for Fun