Week Ending, Friday, March 7, 2025
Who is Wise?
Who is wise? He who learns from every man.
Ben Zoma
When people stop believing in God, they start believing in anything rather than nothing.
G.K. Chesterton
No Regrets
I never regret anything. Because every little detail of your life is what made you into who you are in the end.
Drew Barrymore
Wisdom of Common Miracles
The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Yield to Time
Who forces time is pushed back by time. Who yields to time finds time on their side.
The Talmud
Best Friends
The best of friends are the ones who bring out the best in you. May God bless you with friends who inspire you.
May you be blessed to be forgiving, for in forgiveness we heal ourselves.
Seasons of Surprise and Delight
May God bless you with the strength of the winter wind, the beauty of an autumn day, the warmth of a summer sun, and the surprise and delight
of spring’s new blooms.
Bless this Home
God bless your home, your loved ones who live there, and those who are distant yet close to your heart.
God’s Winter Gifts
Just as you marvel at the beauty of the world in summer, may you be blessed with awe as you gaze upon the beauty of God’s winter miracles.
Dear God, pour Your blessings upon me, refresh my spirit, and cleanse my heart. I pray that Your will become clear, and I can go forth with purity of intention and deeds.
Family Support
To all the children who don’t know the love and security of their parents, I pray for you. In homes with missing pieces, I pray for you. When loss strikes and misfortune happens, I pray for you. Dear God, help them find their supportive family, not easily defined but all Divine.
Days and Nights
God. It’s You, who orders the days and nights, who brings order to my life. I have the strength to overcome life’s challenges, I live in faith so that I can manage it. My soul burns brightly within my being and Your holy presence is all I’m seeing. Praise to You, Maker of light, Maker of darkness too, answer my prayers and I’ll find the way to make all my dreams come true.
In My Moment
Eyes shut, one deep breath leads me to You, dear God. Open heart, one thought, delivers my prayer. You are with me in my moment, responding to the request. Precious God, thank You.
Mirror of God’s Love
When I look in a mirror, I see physical characteristics that identify me as a person. But I am more. I am my essence. I am soul. I am a spiritual being. I live my life from the inside out. Dear God, help me release the fullness of Your love within me to the people of the world around me.
Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Luke 12:32
Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. Use your gift well.
1 Peter 4:10
Joy comes with the morning.
Psalm 30:50
Like a bird protecting its young, God will cover you with His feathers and protect you under His great wings. His faithfulness will form a shield around you, a rock-solid wall to protect you.
Psalm 91:4
If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:31
{stories, features, videos}
Story: Magic Bank Account
Feature: Couple has Two Sets of Identical Twins
Music Video: Hard-Fought Hallelujah, Brandon Lake
Holy Humor: Bragging Rights
Video: How the Elite Rigged Society