Week Ending Friday May 17, 2019
God couldn’t be everywhere. That’s why He made mothers.
Life is the flower, prayer is the water, love is the nectar.
To wish you were someone else, is denying joy to the someone you are.
There is nothing wrong in you that can’t be fixed by what is right in you.
My favorite weather is bird chirping weather.
Lucky You! Something good is about to happen today.
Your fragility opens up the very best part of you. May you be blessed with an open heart and lips that speak words of beauty. Stand tall and grow proud, you are God’s holy creation.
A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing. May you be blessed with humility and reverence for God.
Drop by Drop
Drop by drop, a puddle forms. And so it goes with the formation of your character. May God bless you with drops of courage, kindness, justice, mercy, empathy, and peace.
Stick With It
Avoiding a thorny issue doesn’t make it go away. May God bless you with the resolve to meet your challenges willfully, cheerfully and competently.
Time for Being Here
Time travel is exhausting. Stay where you are and live in this moment, at this time, on this day. God bless you.
With Me
Dear God, Be with me today. While I do my work diligently. As I strive to right the wrongs. When I meet someone who needs a kind word. Wherever I may be – be with me today. amen
New Direction
My God, I am one with Your light today. It shines within me and floods my mind with Divine wisdom. I see opportunity. I have understanding. I release all sense of limitation and proceed with courage and conviction. Immersed in Your light I pray: With Your guidance I will go forward with confidence in a new direction.
Forgive Me Just Because
Because I was angry. Because I didn’t think. Because I was exhausted. Because I was selfish. Because I am ashamed. Because that’s not who I am. And not who I want to be. God forgive me.
Color Yellow
Dear God, Let my color be yellow. I want to be the warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love. I smile from the intensity of bright yellow, and when my lips part may sunshine enter. Turn my yellow to gold and I will spend wisely and share generously. Praise to You, God who colors my world. amen
Pure, Holy and Just
Dear God, surround me with good influences and the ability to make right decisions. Give me vision to see beyond the surface and hearing that senses lies. Protect me from those with a hidden agenda. Help me know a true heart. I pray to do what’s pure and holy and just. Amen
{stories, features, video}
Story: Living Socially
Feature: Take the Advice from a Monk Turned Money Manager
Feature: 10 Signs You’re Living True to Yourself
Feature: Einstein’s Theory of Happiness
Feature: Story People – Things You Do
There are things you do because they feel right & they may make no sense & they may make no money & it may be the real reason we are here: to love each other & to eat each other’s cooking & to say it was good.
Feature: On This Day God Said No.
{bible affirmations}
Psalm 56:8
My tears are my prayers. They travel to God when I can’t speak.
1 Corinthians 7:7
I have my own special gift from God, and you do too.
James 1:26
I keep a tight rein on my tongue. Faith works.
Proverbs 17:1
Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than my house to be full of feasting with strife.
Luke 12:26
What I’m trying to do here is get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God’s giving.