Week Ending Friday July 12, 2019
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver
A lesson learned is a lesson to be shared.
The best way forward is together.
God hears you even when you can’t find the words.
There is no good way to go from here to there, except by joining hands and going forth together.
Every experience no matter how bad it seems holds within it a blessing. It’s up to you to find it.
This Little Piggy
You can only smash open the piggy bank once. Your financial stability takes careful planning. You need enough income to meet your everyday needs, and enough savings to cover the emergencies. May God bless you with a good job and restraint from overspending.
Diminished Until it’s Finished
Is your problem so large that the sheer size of it shuts you down with just a glance? Now is the time to let God help you with it. Piece by piece. Diminished until it’s finished. May you be blessed with an end to your troubles and a new way to deal with future challenges.
Chasing Serenity
It’s really a simple process. There’s no urgent requirement. No need to be anxious about it. So stop chasing serenity. All you have to do is close your eyes and pray. May God bless you with a satisfying calm the next time you begin your sacred conversation with the Divine.
Believe in Them
The most transformative moment in a person’s life is when someone believes in them more than they believe in themself. May God bless you to be that person who believes.
Bible Cell
What would change if you treated your bible the way you treat your cell phone? Picture this…you carry it with you everywhere you go. If you forget it, you turn back to get it. You check for messages when you have even a split-second of down time. May you be blessed to always carry with you the power of God’s holy Word.
Wait and Pray
O Lord, Hear my plea, help me, save me. It’s dark and I am sad. I am alone in the crowds and lonely when I am alone. You can rescue me. You love me. You protect me. Send an angel. I wait and I pray.
Declaration of Belief
I believe the almighty God freely bestows good things in this world in proportion to a person’s readiness to receive. I am ready to receive it! I believe an individual who comes to the Divine storehouse with only a tiny pouch will receive only a tiny portion. I come with a bushel! When my cup runneth over I pour it all in a larger cup and drink it all until I am satiated! I take the bitter and the sweet, the joy and the sorrow, the gain and the loss. I am sure in my faith and I give praise to a generous God!
God’s Moment
Dear God, I have been remiss. I have not taken the time to say thank You. I praise You as an afterthought. Forgive me for pestering You with selfish requests. And now, this moment is Yours. First and foremost I declare: You are an almighty God, Maker of wonders, Provider of miracles. Love eternal. Amen
To Be More
I pray to be kinder, more patient, more giving, more loving, more pure, more positive, more encouraging, more thankful. Praise God for blessings received.
I Promise
A promise is only as good as the person who makes it. I am a good person and I promise You this – I will make You proud. Help me fulfill Your plan.Be with me as I walk in Your way. Grace me with wisdom and compassion. Bless me with success.
Story: The Brisket
Feature: Show Up + Serve Hannah Brenchner
Video: Son Buys His Dad a Truck
Feature + Video: Basketball Player Gives Birth to her Twin Sister’s Twins
Feature: 12-Year Old Girls Invents Medi-Teddy
Music Video: Amazing Grace Celtic Thunder
{bible affirmations}
John 4:14
Those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh bubbling spring within them giving eternal life.
2 Peter 1:3
By divine power, God has given me everything I need to live a godly life. I have received all of this by coming to know God in all His excellence and marvelous glory!
Hebrews 13:6
The Lord is my helper.
Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Colossians 4:2
I devote myself to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.