Week Ending Friday August 30, 2019
God answers sharp and sudden on some prayers, and thrusts the thing we have prayed for in our face, a gauntlet with a gift in it.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Surely no good thing will come out of a life with too many wasted hours.
Tenacity gets you where you want to go and gratitude keeps you from being angry along the way.
Henry Winkler
Not all those who wander are lost.
J.R.R. Tolkien
Good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation. Thomas Edison
Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.
The Best You Can
We all say it. I am doing the best I can. This can be either an excuse or an explanation. Be sure you are living a life that needs no excuses. May God bless you with discipline, generosity and restraint.
Feather Your Nest
You are an adult. You were thrown out of the nest long ago when you grew wings. You built your own home and it’s feathered with loving kindness. May God bless you to be a protector of the young, a champion for the weak and a strong advocate for yourself.
3 Essential Questions
There are three essential spiritual questions: Who am I? Why am I here? How shall I live? May you be blessed with wisdom as you find the answers you seek.
Good Friends
Good friends are like quilts – they age with you, yet never lose their warmth. May your friends bring you comfort, companionship, a few laughs and support when you need it. May your spirit be enhanced by the inspiration of a kindred soul. May you be blessed by the company you keep.
Earn Confidence
Earning someone’s confidence is better than earning their envy. It’s not about the things you have, those tempting little goodies that beg you to show-off. It is about the things you do that good folks will notice and be glad for. May God bless you with good character and holy living.
As I Am
Some praise You with voices raised in song. Others paint awe-inspiring canvases or raise buildings into the sky. Let me praise You with the talents You have given me. I can reach out a hand to steady my elderly neighbor, or raise my heart in prayer for a sorrowing friend. I can speak comfort to a discouraged teen or smile at the mother of an energetic child. In all these ways, I praise You, who made me as I am.
Your Divine Order
Dear God, how I long for Your Divine order. My life is jumbled, confusing, and oh so difficult. Set my ways straight. Allow me to walk freely through the calm. Bring peace to my soul and harmony to the family and friends I adore. Amen
My Brilliant Future
God. Help me deal with my thoughts properly. Fill my mind with a brilliant future. A future held by You, transformed with the sowing of right thinking. Thinking that comes from You. amen
Moral Strength
Dear God, if You love me, then what I am is special. If You believe in me, then what I am is capable. If You respect me, then what I am is worthy. Praise and thanks I give to You, Who graces me with moral strength.
God, My Guide
Dear God, I have voices in my head telling me, later, be safe, don’t rush into it. These voices are holding me back, distracting me from Your One clear voice encouraging me to, do it now, take a chance, don’t delay. It’s getting harder and harder to move forward.Give me the courage to take the next step. Show me how to drown out the naysayers and negative influences. Help me build the healthy habit of now. Thanks and praise God, my Guide.
{stories, features, video}
Story: No Greater Joy
Feature: Being Practical About Rest
Feature: Sisters Reunited
Feature + Video: Adorable Animals
Music Video: Hallelujah + Lyrics
Feature: Midwestern Nice
{bible affirmations}
Romans 7:15
I don’t understand myself at all, for I really want to do what is right, but I can’t. I do what I don’t want to – what I hate. I shall dwell in my regrets and remorse forever…unless…
John 15:11
God’s joy is within me and my joy is complete.
Isaiah 51:3
Joy and gladness will be found there. Songs of thanksgiving will fill the air.
Psalm 86:1-2
Bend down O Lord and hear my prayer. Answer me for I need Your help. Protect me for I am devoted to You. Save me for I serve You and trust You. You are my God.
1 Peter 4:8
Above all I love deeply. Love overlooks unkindness and unselfishly seeks the best for others.