Week Ending Friday October 18, 2019
When a day passes, it is no longer there. What remains of it? Nothing more than a story. If stories weren’t told or books weren’t written, man would live like the beasts, only for the day. The whole world, all human life, is one long story. -Isaac Bashevis Singer
Not all storms are destructive. Some clear your path.
Smile from inside the center of your soul to its circumference.
God is the reason you’ve made it this far.
If you can’t see the bright side of life polish the dull side.
Hard work and faith. Enough said.
Not feeling it? Are you looking around you and wondering why the people you see are smiling and seem to be happy? Don’t they know how messed up this world is? May you be blessed to live joyfully. Not because your circumstances are joyful, but because you are joyful.
Giving More
Happiness comes with giving more, not getting more. May you be blessed to give more love, give more mercy, and to show more generosity in every interaction with God’s creation.
Your Self-Renewing Resource
Taking initiative is a self-renewing resource. Spend it generously and watch it grow. May God bless you with the will to be a self-starter, a chance taker, a helper of yourself. Don’t sit around waiting for things to happen, make it happen – starting now.
Peace With Loss
Grief is not just about looking backward and having regrets. It can be looking to the future with profound sadness and fond memories. May God bless you to be at peace with your loss.
Seven Social Sins
1. Wealth without work. 2. Pleasure without conscience. 3. Science without humanity. 4. Knowledge without character. 5. Politics without principle. 6. Commerce without morality. 7. Worship without sacrifice. – Frederick Lewis Donaldson May you be blessed with saintly social behaviors.
Blessed Working Order
Free what is trapped inside me. Allow entry of all closed to me. My God who created the mechanics of mind and body, help me achieve a blessed working order.
Cover Me
Cover me O Lord, through storms and in sunshine, in the darkness of night and with the coming of sweet morning light. Shield me from pain, soothe my suffering. Cover me O Lord
Useless Worry
Dear God, help me end this worrying, it’s useless and in the way. I long to have a stress free mind to take me through the day. Amen
Merit God’s Grace
God, Teach me to give thanks for what I have by sharing it with others in need. Open my eyes to Your wonders, and open my hands in care for Your earth. Give me wisdom, compassion, patience and tolerance in my striving for justice. May my prayers merit Your grace.
Pause to Pray
I pause to pray and I pray for peace. My life is wrong without it. The turmoil in my head needs soothing, the conflict among my family needs harmony, the violence in the world needs resolution. God bring peace, for this I pray.
{stories, features, video}
Story: With a Whole Heart
Feature: Sang Gets His License!
Video: Inspirational Commercials
Video: Manal Ezzat tells her story of the Pentagon’s 9/11 Memorial Chapel
Feature: 10 True Things About Gratitude
Video: Hankie Ready – Son Changes His Name
{bible affirmations}
Psalm 34:18
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, rescuing those whose spirits are crushed.
Isaiah 40:31
Yeah! I wait for the Lord who will renew my strength with wings like an eagle, to run and not be weary, to walk and not be faint.
Genesis 28:16
Whenever I feel God is distant, I will remember Jacob; “Surely God is in this place and I did not know it.” God is indeed in this place where I am right now.
Ecclesiastes 5:12
The sleep of a laborer is sweet.
Psalm 46:5
God helps me as morning dawns.