Week Ending Friday October 25, 2019
Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.
Lack of hard work and striving, make souls weak.
Be an encourager. The world has too many discouragers already.
Meaning isn’t something you find, it’s something you create.
Live your life to impress yourself, not others.
Instead of hoping for the best, do your best.
Talented You
Your talent is God’s gift and it is meant to be opened, used and cherished. Maybe you are creatively talented, compassionately talented, or financially talented. Discover what it is you are good at and do more of it. May God bless you with respect for your talent and the energy to use it for good.
God Blessed Purpose
Maybe you are not actually looking for meaning in your life, instead could you be searching for your God blessed purpose? Start looking in the right direction. The one that leads you to serving others and serving God without being overly self-serving. Purpose is your blessing. Find it.
Financially Happy
It’s often thought happiness comes about when your economic situation changes. Not true. At least it’s not the whole picture. You need to change habits, mindset, and open your heart wider to those around you. May God bless you with financial blessing and acceptance of additional responsibility that comes with it.
Our Parents
We are all victims of our parent’s parenting. Stop pouting about it and embrace the outcome – a uniquely formed you. May God bless you with grace to forgive them and may God bless you with gratitude for them.
Go Deeper
There are some things that should stay between you and God. Develop an intimacy with God. Open yourself up, go deeper with your thoughts and prayers. Share with God that which you would never dare utter out loud. May you be blessed in your relationship with the Divine.
Lord, Amen!
Lord Strengthen me – Amen! Lord show me favor – Amen! Lord lift me up – Amen! For all this and more I am grateful.
Relationship Trouble
Dear God, My relationship is in trouble. I hurt and I am hurt. Push us forward to a better place. One where respect and consideration is normal again. Praise to You who opens hearts to forgiveness and fresh starts. Amen
I am plagued with hardship, heartache and financial loss. People I know and some I love have turned on me. I have lost opportunities – I should be further along. I am in a state of stagnation, procrastination and frustration. Dear God rescue me. Redeem me, set me free. Help me. Heal me, give me back hope.
Wanting to Change
I want to change my life. I want to change my mind. I want my circumstances to change. I want a change of heart. God help me in my transformation.
By Rabbi Karyn Kedar; The Bridge to Forgiveness:Stories and Prayers for Finding God and Restoring Wholeness
{stories, video, features}
Story: Boring Alabama
Feature: Jesus Shoes
Feature: God Knows/Gate of the Year + About the Poem and Author
Video Feature: Watch the story: Beer Money for Kids + Read the story: Carson King Gives
Video: Baby Worshipper
Feature: Wrong Number Leads to Unexpected Kindness
{bible affirmations}
Exodus 23:25
I serve God and I am blessed with sustenance, good health and protection.
Ezekiel 16:63
Remember what you did wrong and know regret. Don’t repeat your mistake, and I, the Lord your God, will forgive you.
Psalm 91:11
God will give angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.
1 Corinthians 3:16
I am God’s temple and God’s Spirit dwells in me. I am holy.
Deuteronomy 8:18
Remember, it is the Lord Your God who gives you the ability to get wealth.