Week Ending Friday November 27, 2020
Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
The sun sinks to rise again.
William Peter Blatty
Peace can become a lens through which you see the world. Be it. Live it. Radiate it out. Peace is an inside job.
Wayne Dyer
Gratefulness isn’t hard. Forgetting to be grateful is what makes life hard.
Ann Voskamp
Trust that the present moment, however difficult, however different from what you’d imagined, has something to teach you.
Maggie Smith
Wit’s End
When you’re at your wit’s end, you’ll find God waiting for you there. May you be blessed to find God in times of trouble and to know your Protector through all times – good and bad.
Getting Along
A few lucky ones get on easily with their children, but for many of us, our kids (grown or not) are the source of challenges that can drain us. May God bless the fragile yet fulfilling relationships we have with the ones we love.
Best-Laid Plans
When your best-laid plans don’t come to fruition, make new ones, and make them even better. May God bless you with the gift of resilience. Be flexible and see how much stronger you become.
This Day of Thanks
This is your day to give thanks for food, family, and the joy of living. May God bless you abundantly, and may you always be grateful for it.
Mixed Up
It’s time to mix it up in your prayer life and try some spiritual spontaneity. May you be blessed to enjoy new and different ways to feel connected to God. There’s holiness in unexpected places, go there and be renewed.
Dear God, Help me, please. I long to live my life unafraid. To be brave in the face of new experiences and confident in times of change. Show me the way to confront the fearmongers, and reign triumphant over them. Praise to You Almighty, who gives me the strength to rise above weakness. Amen
Angel Dear
Angel of God, my protector dear, You sit on my shoulder, always near. Be with me each and every day, never leave me, never stray. Thank You, God, for the angel You sent; my faith is strong, my spine unbent. I live in peace; I don’t complain, for all the world is Your holy domain.
Recipe Prayer
Dear God, Be with me in the kitchen as I follow Your recipe for a blessed life: 2 heaping cups of patience 1 quart of generosity 1 cup (overflowing) of kindness 1 (level) cup of faith 3 tablespoons of understanding 2 tablespoons of smiles 1 dash of laughter 1 heart filled with love Mix together patience, generosity, kindness, understanding, and faith. Sprinkle smiles and laughter on top. Set your heart to timeless and always watch your creation as it bakes in a never-ending cycle of growth. Praise to You, dear God, Who makes us happy and blesses us with life.
We Give Thanks I Give Thanks
For the expanding grandeur of Creation, worlds known and unknown, galaxies beyond galaxies, filling us with awe and challenging our imaginations, We give thanks For this fragile planet earth, its times and tides, its sunsets and seasons, We give thanks. For the joy of human life, its wonders and surprises, its hopes and achievements, We give thanks. For human community, our common past and future hope, our oneness transcending all separation, our capacity to work for peace and justice in the midst of hostility and oppression, We give thanks. For high hopes and noble causes, for faith without fanaticism, for understanding of views not shared, We give thanks. For all those who have labored and suffered for a fairer world, who have lived so that others might live in dignity and freedom, We give thanks. For human liberties and sacred rites, for opportunities to change and grow, to affirm and choose, We give thanks. We pray that we may live not by our fears but by our hopes, not by our words but by our deeds. Blessed are You, Almighty God, Your Name is goodness and You are worthy of thanks giving.
adapted by CCAR in Mishkan T’Filah from a prayer by Eugene Pickett
Search of Beauty
Dear God, guide me as I tread softly in search of beauty, as I pause to embrace the grace in a moment, and as I commune with nature as You intended.
{stories, videos, features}
Story: Lance the Super Dog
Feature: I Married for the First Time at 60
Feature: Wilbur Wins!
Feature: Holy Humor, Entrance to Heaven
Feature: Celebrating Thanksgiving with Food
Video: You Can Be ABC’S
{bible affirmations}
Hebrews 11:33
Who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, and quieted the mouths of lions.
Romans 12:6
With God’s grace, we all receive different gifts for doing certain things well. If yours is the ability to speak out in faith, you must do so.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Faith, hope, love, abide. And the greatest is love.
Ezra 3:11
With praise and thanksgiving sing to the Lord: God is good! God’s love endures forever.
Proverbs 10:28
The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.