Week Ending Friday, December 4, 2020
There are people in the world who think only of themselves. They don’t care what happens to other people so long as they get what they want. They put other people down to make themselves feel important. Then there are other people who do the opposite, who are able to imagine how others feel and make sure that they don’t do things that hurt people. So, what kind of person do you want to be?
Stanley Ann Dunham
Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.
Abraham Lincoln
Each failure contains the seeds of your next success.
Paul Allen
There is enough in the world for everyone’s need. There is not enough for everyone’s greed.
Mahatma Gandhi
Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.
Maya Angelou
Your language can inspire unity or not. It can bring healing or hurt. May God bless you with peaceful words of calm and understanding.
Win or Lose, You Lose
An attitude of entitlement doesn’t increase the chances you’ll get what you want. And it ruins the joy of the things you do get. Win or lose, you lose. May you be blessed with a spirit that yearns to earn that which you will receive.
Seth Godin (adapted)
Good Opinion
Speak up, child. You are a beloved child of God, so respond accordingly. May you be blessed to always remember the importance of your good opinion.
Back at ‘Ya
The boomerang is your lesson for life. The words and deeds you throw are the words and deeds that come back to you. May God bless you to receive all the goodness you give.
Love Unburied
Buried deep beneath bad feelings and conflict, is love. May you be blessed to resolve the differences holding you back from what you richly deserve.
Bridges Not Barriers
Dear God, help me build bridges, not barriers. May my quarrels lead to understanding rather than resentment. Ground my faith in love, devoid of divisive doctrines, and dogmas. Praise to You, dear God, who shapes my soul in Your image.
Abundant with Understanding
Dear God, May I gain wisdom in my lifetime, abundant with understanding. May I be appreciated for the peace I bring to others. May my deeds exceed the verbosity of my words, and my accomplishments honor You and benefit humankind. Amen
Newness Around Me
These are ever-changing times, God, You are the stability to my fragility. Keep me upright. Help me bend to shape the newness around me until it becomes me. Fill my soul with resilience.
Harder Right
O God, Strengthen and increase our admiration for honest dealing and clean thinking, and suffer not our hatred of hypocrisy and pretense ever to diminish. Encourage us in our endeavor to live above the common level of life. Make us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong, and never to be content with a half-truth when the whole can be won.
West Point Cadet Prayer
Grace Offered
Oh God, I feel Your delight! Thank You for blessing me daily. The grace offered is accepted. I am humbled by Your generosity. Praise to You, Holy Father, Heavenly Redeemer.
{stories, features, videos}
Story: The Satisfying Secret of the Busse Family
Feature: Man Who Came Back from the Dead
Music Video: Dear Me, Loveletter to Myself + illustrated lyrics
Holy Humor: Workout Work-Around
Music Video: Defying Gravity
Feature: The Losses We Share
{bible affirmations}
Deuteronomy 34:4
Moses never entered the promised land. The Lord led him to it, let him see it, and told him he would not enter it.
Ephesians 5:20
Always give thanks to God for everything.
Psalm 16:6
My share is wonderful. My heritage is beautiful.
Corinthians 1:27
God chose what the world considers foolish to shame the wise. God chose what the world considers weak to shame the strong.
Psalm 23:2-3
God leads me beside still waters; God restores my soul. I am guided along the right paths, for the sake of My God’s name.