Week Ending Friday December 18, 2020
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
J.K. Rowling
If you ever get the chance to treat them the way they treated you, I hope you choose to walk away and do better.
Najwa Zebian
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Lao Tzu
Hearts are the strongest when they beat in response to noble ideals.
Ralph Bunche
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Jeri Smith-Ready
Don’t worry if someone doesn’t like you. Most people are struggling to like themselves. May you be blessed with self-assurance. You are likable; you are worthy; you are uniquely you.
We Agreed to Disagree
Do you want to do your part to bring harmony to the world? Find someone who has views you disagree with, and listen respectfully. May God bless you with an open mind and a peacemaker’s heart.
Day One
When you want to “get there one day,” you need to understand the importance of declaring a “day one.” God blessed you with a new day. Make this one, the day you begin to achieve your dreams.
Your Mission
God gave you this particular set of circumstances, because there is a mission for you to carry out. One that only you can complete, one that will bring you immense satisfaction. May you be blessed to live your purpose.
No Holding Back
God goes all in. There’s no holding back. May you be blessed to do the same; go ahead – give it everything you’ve got.
I Am Willing
I become a prayer to You, O God, the moment I am willing.
Bless My Soul
Bless my soul, and all that is me, Oh Lord, Bless me. With grace, and humility. With calm and confidence. With love and understanding. Bless me.
Faith or Fear
Dear God, I know I have a choice in my every response: faith or fear. Help me to respond in faith, to sing out and rejoice over what You are doing in my life. I know You are with me.I know You walk beside me. Embolden my faith with each decision I make and wipe out the fear with Your love.
Hannah Brenchner
Benevolent God
You are a benevolent God. I pray to notice all that You do for me. All that You give to me. All of the love You have for me.
Praise to You, King of Kindness, Gentle Giant, my Lord, and my Provider.
Sit With You
My Dear God, You see my pain, You feel my heartache, You know what I need. All I can do is to sit and pray with You.
{stories, features, videos}
Story: Release It
Video: Puppy for Hannukah
Video: Kohl’s Holiday Commercial + More
Humor: How to Do Business
Feature: The Corona Virus Prayer
Feature: What Makes a Good Life?
{bible affirmations}
2 Corinthians 9:11-12
You will be enriched in every way so you can always be generous. And when you take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God. Their needs will be met and they have joyfully expressed their gratitude to God. Such is the good that comes from giving.
Matthew 18:21-22
Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times? The Lord replied. Not seven times I tell you, but seventy times seven times.
1 Peter 5:7
Give all your worries and cares to God. The Holy One cares about you.
Hosea 14:8
I am the one who answers your prayers and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green; all your fruit comes from me.
Mark 10:9
Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.