Week Ending March 1, 2019
There only four ways to pray: please, thanks, oops, WOW!
You don’t have to earn love. You already have it, love ♥
Coincidence is God’s way of choosing to remain anonymous.
The one who kneels before God can stand before anyone.
When prayer becomes your habit, miracles become your lifestyle.
Don’t beg, cry and demand – pray, smile and take a stand.
True Faith
When true faith takes hold of your soul, your entire body reacts. You become rigid with resolve to do what’s right and to do your best. You reach out to those in need no matter the cost to your personal comfort. Yes, true faith brings you closer to God, but even more importantly, it brings you closer to your fellow man. May you be blessed with true faith.
Weathering the Storm
Maybe you’re trying too hard to find the sunshine when you’re in the middle of a storm. Some storms just take a while to pass over. Have faith. The sun will come out. May you be blessed to weather your storm with trust in God.
Meant to Be
There is a hole you are meant to fill, something courageous you are meant to do, and someone special you are meant to be. May you be blessed to live up to all that God expects of you.
Regret Less
Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more. May you be blessed to regret less, appreciate more, and may all good things come to you and yours.
Press on to Victory
Faith is another word for positive thinking. When real faith grips you, you develop a mind-set that looks for the best in everything, refuses to give up, finds a way around (or through) every obstacle, and presses on to victory. May you be blessed to think positively, honoring your God by living your faith. – Norman Vincent Peale
This is the Day
Dear Lord, This is the day You made for my use, for my enjoyment, for my service. Today I live brilliantly. Today I will move mountains. Today my world is colored by Your blessings. Thank You Lord, for this day to rise up.
Love No Matter What
Dear God, Love me no matter what. When I’m frustrated and say things better left unsaid; Love me no matter what. When I’m disappointed and think dark thoughts I shouldn’t; Love me no matter what. When I give in to temptation even though I know better; Love me no matter what. Amen
Raise the Roof!
There are a hundred touches of kindness that come to me every day. Every trace of order, every gleam of beauty, every provision of bounty in nature, is evidence that it I live in God’s house. Praise to my Maker and raise the roof! God is in the heavens, God is in the earth.
Here I Come
I am content sitting here with You God. This is exactly where I need to be Precisely where I want to be. I come to pray. I come to praise. I come in gratitude.
Path of Goodness
God, Order my steps. Help me walk in Your way calmly, confidently, and with a joyful gait. Let me know the peace that comes with purpose. Show me that my worries and hurries are pointless. Guide me down the path of goodness. Amen
{stories, features, videos}
Story: For the Love of Maddie, by Gary Moore
Feature: But This Isn’t What I Wanted by Hannah Brenchner
Video: Survivors Accept Courage Award
Feature: 200 Strangers Showed Up to a Funeral
Video: Stop Searching for Your Passion
by Terri Trespicio
Feature: My Wife Was Dying and We Didn’t Tell the Kids
{bible affirmations}
Hebrews 12:1
Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.
Amos 5:24
Justice rolls on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream.
Nehemiah 8:10
I do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is my strength.
I Pray.
Exodus 14:13-16 Moses prayed. And the Red Sea Parted. Psalm 18:1 David prayed. And he was strengthened. Jonah 2:1-10 Jonah prayed. And God saved him. Job 42:10 Job prayed. And his fortunes were restored. 1 Samuel 1:20 Hannah prayed. And she had a son.
Psalm 40:5
Lord my God, many are the wonders You have done, the things You plan for me. None can compare with You. Were I to speak and tell of Your deeds, they would be too numerous to declare.