Here’s a true story about a young woman who worked in a baby store. It’s a store that sells baby furniture, strollers, high chairs, toys, and clothes for infants and toddlers.
This young woman met her future husband while working at the store. They got married and had plans to start a family. One year, two years, three years, four years, and five years, she never became pregnant.
The woman was confiding in her dear friend. “I’m thinking of quitting my job. Seeing all the joyous expectant mothers and new mothers every day is simply too painful. I run to the back of the store and cry.”
“You know,” her friend said, “when a person is in a state of joy, they have the greatest capacity to give blessings. Their power to bless is heightened. Joy becomes a superpower with a direct connection to God. Rather than quit your job, you can explain your situation to the happy customers and ask for a blessing.”
And that’s exactly what she did. Within a year, the young woman was pregnant and later gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
Being happy is an opportunity. It’s not an end in itself. Joy opens hearts and minds and allows us to be kind, loving, and generous. It’s a perfect time to give your blessing to someone who needs it.