Good morning! So why in the world should we celebrate our birthday? It’s after all just another day when another human being was born.
A birthday is chosen by G-d – not by your parents, neither your astrologer nor the obstetrician. Birth is G-d saying that the world can’t go on without you. It is the day that your soul’s mission had to begin.
There were already nearly six billion people on earth when you were born. Did the world really need you? Can one more soul really make a difference?
The answer is yes; otherwise G-d would not have sent your soul to this earth. The fact that you were born means there must be some unique gift that you have to offer the world that none of those other six billion people could possibly achieve.
So a birthday is an opportunity to reflect: This is the day that your soul was dispatched on its mission. How is the mission going? Have you been contributing your part to the furthering of G-d’s purpose to create heaven on earth? Have you been doing your bit to enhance and improve yourself and your world? How much could you add to that in the coming year?
You are anĀ individual, special, unique, and utterly indispensable. No person alive, no person who has ever lived, and no person who shall ever live, can fulfill the specific role in G-d’s creation entrusted to you.